General Discussion

General DiscussionTransitioning into the late game as a support

Transitioning into the late game as a support in General Discussion

    Hello everyone. I'm a new player (I've only been playing regularly for 3 months or so) and i mainly pick support heroes. I enjoy playing carry actually, but very few people in my matches play support and picking a greedy hero to contest farm with my teammates sounds like a terrible idea to me. Some of my favourites are supports so it's not even that bad.

    I think i usually do (relatively) well in the early game of most of my matches, but in my skill bracket people are very often afraid to take objectives after won fights (or don't know that's what you usually want to do) , and many supports lack pushing power so i often can't do it on my own. This leads to games that last way longer than they should, and in these scenarios i seem to fall off miserably. The enemy carries usually get to buy their bigger items even with a bad gpm, while my hero feels incredibly squishy, so I become the easiest target and i start dying repeatedly. You can easily see that many of my longer games also have very high death counts.

    My deaths don't usually lead to an autoloss but they make the games way harder and I don't think this is totally normal, what can i do to improve my lategame performance?