General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat did volvo learn from taking away ranked AP?

What did volvo learn from taking away ranked AP? in General Discussion

    What was the actual point in taking it away in the first place?

    Was it all part of a plan for 6.87?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      To see how the community would react to, in the end... not change anything. It's just Valve things.

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        Valve just wanted to see how people respond to it


          I love that its back.

          Dire Wolf

            who knows? thought it was to experiment for new draft modes


              It's same as when they made put ranked AP pickscreen to normal AP for few days.


                To practice their totalitarian authority and advance towards the forming of the fourth reich


                  valve? mb

                  players? HELL NO


                    it was good while it lasted, now we're back to either having Invoker and OD every goddamn game or spending years queuing for RD and CM.

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Yeah, fun while it lasted..


                        First game ranked ap and i get 2x4,6k solo trash and party game too. TO MAKE IT BETTER THOSE 2x4,6k go core!!!!!!!! ez loss motherffuckers



                          there was invoker and od every game anyway in rd, just not necessarily together

                          Dire Wolf

                            and zeus and spectre and lc. I didn't play that many matches, too busy right now but 6 games had:
                            zeus 4
                            invoker 1
                            OD 2
                            spectre 1
                            lc 3

                            really wasn't much different from all pick except I felt confident to first pick medusa when AM was missing and CK when earthshaker was missing

                            Swap Commends

                              Most people can not play adaptive based on drafts.


                                i think you should be able to ban and pick a hero each in all pick. so everyone bans one player then everyone picks. think that would be fun

                                oke lol

                                  all pick should be all pick, but i wouldnt mind another game mode which you (and loads b4 you) suggested


                                    Random draft was more enjoyable to play imo, they should rework all pick and involve some bans avaliable for both teams in the beginning of the match.

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                                      Fuck that, make a new mode then. I don't want any of this shit, it's slow already. All I want is to play the fucking game and don't spend 10 years picking my hero and banning shit. Rd was shit tbh, cuz sometimes enemy team can end up with op heroes and u don't have counters for them and u spend 20-30mins getting stomped.

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                                        Why can't we copy league. implement a league/division system to establish percentile boundaries and in all pick the top mmr player on each team can ban 3 heroes.

                                        One day we'll get there. even if slowly.


                                          I learned that this game is cancer, and I hope Valve learned that too...

                                          D the Superior
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                                              @BS[Riki] Don't invade Polan again


                                                Pliz give ap from nmm