General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying supports on ranked is game winning

Playing supports on ranked is game winning in General Discussion

    Honestly, in the 4k trench, everyone thinks they know what they're doing and insist on picking core positions like mid and carry, but little do they realize that picking a support is the way to win easy.

    First, let's assume that a team is made up of 5 2 points. Each player get 2 points that equals his effectiveness in the game.

    Alright, moving on, most people don't know how to play support at all, and do shit like: Leech exp from lane, ward river the entire fucking game, won't gank mid or carry a tp for support, can't properly pull or deward, only gets detection items AFTER the damage has been dealt. So the average 4k player plays a 1.2 core and 0.4 support.

    Now, even if you're an amazing core player, the difference between 1.2 and 1.7 isn't that big, but from 0.4 to 1.6 is. Especially if you take into account that my 5 2 points system is flawed because if i play a good support, i boost my mid/carry player scores as well. Not to mention the fact that, if you play a good support, you'll be nullifying their support, because most of the 4k supports are ward bitches, and if you for instance deward them, their use drops to zero.

    To exemplify, player A plays a 1.7 core and 1.6 support, and player B plays a 1.2 core and 0.4 support.
    If player A goes core, then the total will be 2.1, but if player A goes support, then the total will be 2.8 (actually more because playing a good support boosts the score from your core).

    Alright, that's enough making up numbers to make a point.


      I dunno m8 when i play support my cores always suck, I usually dont play 4 or 5 unless im in a party with someone i can trust.


        ya, its hard to play supp when ur cores are dumbfuck and have no idea how to farm or what they should be doing


          I report everyone who pick core on my team and then fucked it up, more than half of my report have a feedback about who I reported being banished to LP (well I wish they could never escaped from LP because I want to get rid of every stupid mofo who always want to be the star of the match and blame everyone on a team when they loses even if they are the one who are responsible of that lose in other words, selfish MVP-wanna be bastard.)

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Yeah unfortunately the number of games where I have picked support and had a retarded core is a lot higher than the games where I have picked support and had competent cores, and I've actually played a fairly decent amount of support over the past two weeks.



              Did you report yourself for being 2-12 Gyro? Or maybe for the 4-10 Sven game? Or even for being a ns smurf?

              It happens to us all mate. No need to report someone for not carrying a game that was probably not even winnable in the first place. There are so many variables at play when a game goes South, and it could be equally your fault for being a shitty support if your carry doesn't get farm.


                Guys.. stop complaining.. what OP says has its point.. dont resort to complaining EVER.. I know thrs always retardst out thr ( such as our legend) but if u do what u r supposed to do PROPERLY..the game can be won.. to train we can all learn by playing supports with bot.. if u can support ur bots to victory.. then u r really darn gud..

                Coz in the end of the day being a support is not only warding and healing ur core.. its abt making plays..

                Great post OP! =)

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  I'm 2.0 core and 2.0 support too but I just prefer to play carry.


                    If I play support I win 50%, 75% as a core

                    Johnny Rico

                      when your carry cant lh for shit, sometime i just go there and pick that gold for me, he isnt using it

                      muted all, it's just a ga...

                        Playing carry means you need to win the game and carry ur support to victory. Playing support means you need to make sure your carry will be powerful enough to win you the game, thats the basic (for me). So if u got "stupid cores" atleast try to check his profile and see if his GPM on that match is lower than avg GPM on his profile, then you played the support incorrectly. This forum pushes us to understand why would we play support, try to not talk about shit "my cores are retarted, etc" it will only shows how bad you are as a support, and people here will instantly recognize you as a "blamer-type" player.

                        Also dont forget to note that players who play support tends to have better understanding of DOTA (my personal opinion), and good support players are more likely to be respected rather than good carry players, as you can see that there's not much pro support players in this world like Puppey, but there are tons of pro carry players in this world. Support heroes definitely requires higher skill rather than core heroes

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          when i cant play core i just pick zeus support, its like a carry with just an aether lens :P


                            I play support, because I have no skill, and I report everyone who picks support in my team.

                              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                That "captains mode" was a depressing thing to play as a support.

                                waku waku

                                  lol it's like you never played against any combination of zeus, spectre and od


                                    pick riki and win, seriously.

                                    Von Darkmoor

                                      Bah most kärry pick ers are Whiney low skilled bitches incapable of lasthiting its either that extreme or the other one mening the afk farm all game until the game is over and you lost.

                                      Most support Isnt much better but perhaps a little better.

                                      The way to win is to be a 4th or 3th and a hero that can transition into a core when innevitble happens.... You kärry fail hard and midder aswell ZzzzzZz. .....


                                        Dude, in this patch supports have a smaller role than in most older ones. For now at least, having a legit core is all that matters, supports just need to offer a stabile platform for the core. If you remember the dazzle/oracle era, now those wore games decided by supports...