General Discussion

General Discussionhow can i get out of matchmaking balance?

how can i get out of matchmaking balance? in General Discussion
We Rise

    so i created a new acc, cuz i hate climbing mmr on my old acc (yes im smurfing )
    my first 30 matches in my new acc was easy, then i guess dota put me up against HIGH SKILLED PLAYERS and i noticed that my teammates was LOW SKILLED PLAYERS i mean like beginners, and i can't really carry a whole team especially with those kind of teammates against high skilled players, my winning rate was 85% then fell down to 52% which really sucked, i mean evertime i see my recent matches all of them were red as blood

    sooo my question is, how can i get out of the forced 50% win rate of vavle ? without party saarryy for ma englyes

    lm ao

      well did you not personally evaluate your own capacity to play this game? remember that after a few 'hidden' 'calibration' games, valve puts u into the bracket where u most belong. 30 starting games is actually enough. if youre complaining how shit your teammates are in your smurf, reminder thats its a reflection of how bad you are too.

      yn unranked tho? its chill, and super ez to stomp if ure really as good as you think

      Pale Mannie

        There is no escape

        We Rise

          as soon as i get my mmr, will my teammates will be.. decent ?


            no you are doomed there is no hope all is lost

            lm ao

              i shit not ur memeing, but there is actually an escape.

              first of all, a game of dota is not merely a composite of individual skills of 10 random players. there are several factors that come into play to decide which team becomes victor. theres drafting ofc, since atmost u invest 10 minutes picking heroes to play. theres also individual's attitude and displacement towards the game. you are a constant across all the games youve played, so keep in mind your subjective thoughts toward this game really matters too. about the rest of the 9 players attitude, you will either get bad or good, but the system ensures each one gets their fair share of feeders and ragers.

              shag bro

                Playing with higher skilled players can help you highlight your mistakes which is severely underrated. If you can learn from it, that is.

                just another typical day

                  u already have hidden mmr since creating an acc. winning doesnt count going to high skill matches, u need to play like goddam 4-5k before valve gives u what u want.

                  Vem Comigo

                    You made a smurf, steam see's that the ip used for different acc are the same, so it thinks that you are a smurf, they put you agaisnt other 9 people that are potentionaly "smurfs", maybe some are new players on the father pc, depending on your "skill" level (games stats) you will be put on a game with begginers or with other potential "smurfs", until you get mmr them the calibration is random,
                    My first smurf game had 8 other smurfs, i asked "who is a smurf here", the guys just lol'ed and said they were.

                    Putins Price Hike

                      you are where ur first account placed u. Making a new account doesnt change who u are