General Discussion

General DiscussionI try to play rank but im afraid losing mmr

I try to play rank but im afraid losing mmr in General Discussion

    Everytime i play rmm im scared that i will get -25, i keep playing hard supp role so that i can control and minimize some errors during game.

    Any tips so i can improve my confidence and increase my mmr?

    I usually pick major supp hero with high impact like:



      spam storm mid ! gank every1
      or spec
      maybe zeus if there is no gang mid heroes


        Spam jugg sure win


          @sionke- Im good on storm, but on this patch storm is terrible.
          Im afraid that my team pick carry and just ruin the game.

          @JOMBSSS playing jugg is not good if your team play so bad


            Im on 3.4 bracket and my opponents know how to counter pick un like 2kbelow they just pick random.


              I used to be scared too...but then I say to myself fuck it even if i lose I learn something....thats how I play better actually


                pretend like its a normal pub scrub match. I used to be just like you, but then I stopped seeing it as gaining and losing mmr, but just another way to pllay, if I won, yay, if not, just play another and over a long period of time, you will get the mmr you deserve


                  I think that I am good and I will eventually climb...i read guides and watch videos... when I lost I realize that my other team in other lane losing altho I won my lane lost like that didnt make me fown too much I know I can do better


                    after i reach 5k, 3k and 4ks are easy for me, and i absolutely crush all the games on my smurfs.


                      play jungle omni with iron talon
                      no one cares about your mmr except yourself, esp when its so low so dont feel bad when u lose it

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        45% winrate. yeah i would be scares too, also dont play support


                          "also dont play support" This. Useless heroes, 0 right-clic.

                          waku waku

                            do not be afraid mmr does not matter so much

                            Mike Wazowski..!

                              3.4k normal skill??

                              yung griphook

                                don't worry about gaining or losing mmr and focus on improving/ playing well, and the rest will follow. If you win with that attitude it feels even better, and if you lose with that attitude it softens the blow.


                                  All normal skill is on party

                                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                    No matter what you are going to pick there is always a chance to lose, as long as you play heroes like omni, dazzle etc. your mmr is going to get higher, since they have 60% winrate and even if you lose 10 games in a row you are going to win more in the long run (ofc you should play them well enough for your skill lvl) besides if your mmr is below 4k don't be afraid cuz its not a big loss.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      If dropped from 4.3k all the way to 3.5k all in one weekend (lots of drugs and just spam qs cuz I just broke up with my ex lol) was a pain getting back to 4.3k dealing with the 3k autism


                                        ROFL keep living in fear u fuckin fukboi


                                          Risk Aversion is natural in pretty much all human beings, especially when it comes to money. People will rarely take 50% odds unless the gain is about double the potential loss.

                                          But MMR, is not money, and you will most likely have to lose a little on the road to gaining a lot anyway.

                                          In the concern of gaining as much MMR as possible in as few games as possible, spam omni.

                                          If you are the highest MMR, try spectre and asking your teammates to not do some full-retard double jungle strategy.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            you don't play ranked to get mmr, you play ranked cus people actually try as opposed to normal where it's a shitshow.

                                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                              I may get flamed for this, but if you really want to be impactful in your games at this bracket, spamming support heroes isn't the way to go nor is going safelane where you're still going to get contested for last hits by another carry pick.

                                              Solomid is the way to go. you get solo exp and farm(unless you have someone who is just that stubborn and would still pick mid), you have a chance to outplay the enemy mid and if you fail mid you have no one else to blame but yourself. If you have to, auto lock and first pick mid. Be prepared to get countered, but not too many people in this bracket would bother to counter pick. Nobody is going support and buy wards or courier? Buy them yourself. Losing lane? Have a back up plan(stack hard camps to clear later or smoke up and gank other lanes).

                                              So far, this is what worked for me from calibrating 2.4k to going 3k, and I reckon same could be done till 3.8k seeing some of my friends do just that.

                                              Mors tua vita mea



                                                  I m curious how your real life looks if you are scared of losing 25 virtual number in a video game. Just stop dota go do something better in life if you are scared of playing.


                                                    report post for hating on sub 2k mmr

                                                    Lets do Science

                                                      Solo mid is hardly a solo lane anymore. Its more like a tri on tri with the supports going other places. Its pretty common to see entire teams engineered solely around dogpiling the ever loving hell out of the enemies solo mid. Its a pretty big reason as to why heroes like sf have completely fallen off. They can't really defend themselves against an invoker + np + ns combo and end up becoming food all game or at best playing catch up the entire game.

                                                      carry or feed

                                                        Spam hero like necro or spec with high impact and high winrate.

                                                        Try to mute all players if they are rude. Concentrate on winning.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          Spam zeus, sven, od, spec


                                                            I hate thinking about math so much because it makes me think of each ranked game as 50 point game, as in if you lose youre 50 mmr lower then if you won.