General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to up HS into VHS ?

How to up HS into VHS ? in General Discussion

    tell me how to up my bracket .


      Win Wodka Drink Dotka

      Mike Wazowski..!

        You'll drop to NS soon don't worry.. You're worse than Phantom Riki


          I'll tell you how, you climb your main account to 3700 mmr.


            You don't even deserve to be in high skill. The mmr system will put you where you belong eventually.

            Livin' Real Good

              Your stats are awful, and that one good invoker game looks like your friend came over and played for you or something. lol

              Just play on your main, you'll get there if play to improve eventually.


                Yorkey : its not my friend , im play that invoker . since im trying become friendly in *SEA server* i lose a lot of game .


                  newly started in dota 2 but i played alot in dota 1. and so from NS > HS > VHS eventually i did not notice i was in VHS.


                    i just get VHS when im midlaner .