General Discussion

General DiscussionIs CK good ?

Is CK good ? in General Discussion
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    He is not star,less people pick him but he has good win rate in my tier (3k avg MMR) as I see.
    Is it a good idea to spam ck to climb?
    And I am just curious, Any body tried CK in higher tier? 4k & 5k+ How is he there?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno


      hes decent but he has to snowball much more than other heroes to be effective because he farms slow as FUCK

      imo you need to build a team around the ck pick to do well

      Swap Commends

        ^ So u think he is not a 1v5 carry hero?


          pretty sure this hero is bomb and he can 1 v 5 but not against all heroes


            but i mean he is useful early if played right


              CK cant win a game solo a majority of the time, you have to win teamfights then push with the illusions. He has no farming abilities so all his gold will come from kills and towers, unless you buy a midas.

              You need to destroy early game as CK because that's where hes a monster.


                isnt that exactly what i said


                  i was typing my reply so i didnt see what u wrote f@m


                    mega monster with items . No farming ability is only thing holding him back from being meta .


                      its all gud fam, and ur point has been proven by 7k-8k players


                        hes barely played in 5ks, but picked a lot at 6.5k+

                        me, government hooker

                          hes good when picked correctly

                          Dire Wolf

                            He's very good but the problem for me is he has major counters and they are popular and picked a lot. You're asking for an instant lock pick of earthshaker when you pick him. Other heroes are like ember, and any other big aoe like zeus, invoker. Mid game your illusions just die so quickly to them.

                            But if you do get him build a bunch of small items and start snowballing. For the love of god don't rush heart even though there's probably a couple 6kers around here who will swear by it. Build like treads, wand, drums (or just bracer or even two bracers!), s&y, then think about heart or bkb if needed or AC or halberd or whatever.


                              He's good vs Spectre, crush her early game.

                              Dire Wolf

                                yes he is, not good vs sven though, sven will aoe stun you and your illusions and clear them with 3 hits.


                                  Is his stun even worth investing points into? I feel like his kill potential with reality rift maxed early is higher. His crit is not a value point crit like juggernaut's. One point in q at level 1/2? No points at all in q? I don't know. He practically needs a Soul Ring to really benefit from maxing the q.


                                    I feel like if CK gets a buff, it'll be that Reality Rift gives him a better attack animation on the target.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      You can first pick, let them counter you, then go for another carry and play a 2-3-4 role.

                                      sin blyadi

                                        Spamming is a bad way cuz sven, od, invo are ultrapopular right now (and ultragood aswell). Better spam sven till he gets nerfed

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Dude max the stun. It can be 4 seconds maxed, it's amazing. Value point in crit can be skipped, it's amazing in team fights or when your ult is up and you 1 shot people with it (more from the armor reduction than the dmg), but not very useful in lane or early stages.

                                          TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                            Arcane boots on ck for a no nonsense mana solution?


                                              i opt for soul ring if im offlane^ because it gives some hp regen too.

                                              i also max rift at 7 because of the damage and cd


                                                Didnt Illidan and Arteezy play CK 40% of their games in 8k MMR?

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  dude wtf? arcane boots? I can sort of see soul ring but really? Just get a cheap basilius if you're that worried about mana or a clarity every now and then. If you have wand and drums and treads at 10 you'll have 517 mana, rift is only 50, stun is 140, ult is 140. You can go ult, rift, stun and have enough for 3 more rifts, then you burn your wand charges if you need another stun or tread swap. Just don't ever use your abilities for farming and you should have enough mana to get by. Also hopefully your supports buy arcanes.

                                                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                    ^my logic on the arcane ck is that after that, you don't need to worry about mana anymore and you could start building damage items. Plus going the tread swap+wand+drums route just to sustain your mana sounds like an awful lot of trouble just to keep your mana up. I've went arcanes on a few games as ck and I'd bug my teammates to always go agressive. I could be confident that I could have that reality rift or stun when i need it most.

                                                    Player 175043649

                                                      why not arcane into aether lens?

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        that logic is retarded, you don't just go wand and drums to sustain mana, they are stat items ie AMAZING for ck since he's a stat hero, not a raw dmg item hero. Wand is cheaper than bracer, gives the charges and only gives you 5 less dmg, 1 more int and agi, 2 less str (38 hp).

                                                        And tread swapping isn't very hard once you get used to it and hotkey your treads. But it's not even that necessary. The only time I really have an issue with mana on ck is in lane when you try to kill the offlaner and he escapes, then you have to wait a couple minutes to try again. In that case just wait it out or buy a clarity.


                                                          I experimented with Aether Lens on support CK. It looks good in theory, but I lost in those matches. But what do you think?


                                                            Just build radiance into manta octarine core and split push with your hard ass illusions ;)
                                                            nah just kidding i have no clue how people play this hero, he seems to be owning so bad then he loss a teamfight and hes done cant comeback at all, he can be unstopable lategame in some games and is shit in other games. i like illusions/stats carries but im so shit with this one


                                                              I've had trouble with CK playing spectre a few times. CK comes online pretty damn fast which makes him pretty good in the midgame if you have a couple cores like armlet hotd maybe drums and can manfight pretty damn hard at that point. If snowballing through the midgame he can be really nasty lategame if he has alot of items. But you can't farm with him, he's hard in that way imo, if you cant get kills, and pressure midgame what to do? idk I suck at him.

                                                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                                                Corvus Corax

                                                                  ck has the best right click damage potential in the game. but very weak in early game and needs a lotta farm to become a monster. you can win with other carries with less effort.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    "he can be unstopable lategame in some games and is shit in other games. "

                                                                    cus when his ult is on cd he blows so if teams pick the right fights he sucks. Or if they have the aoe to clear his illusions.

                                                                    EZ SEA doto

                                                                      not good for ur healty