General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible to calibrate in HS or VHS with support account ?

Is it possible to calibrate in HS or VHS with support account ? in General Discussion

    Hello guys, is it possible to calibrate mostly with support ? I have terrible HD, because i am mainly support player.

    lm ao


      As long as you get more than the average in terms of game stats you can get to vhs (given you are good enough) even with 150 lion games


        as long as you aren't shit enough not to be in vhs, u can get there with any role

        lm ao

          Having poor hd is a bad excuse unless youre playing sustain heroes like omni/dazzle or nonnuking disablers like shaman/treant


            i want to continue to play support if i have in team decent carries in my team. Don´t want to play games with 5 is stupid.
            We will see after more games. I have not enough games played.

            Mike Wazowski..!

              You are in HS playing supp and its pretty good IMO.. Try to play more healers, that way you have something to show in your stats..


                just do stuff on the map