General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Void still a decent safelaner?

Is Void still a decent safelaner? in General Discussion

    Since the latest patch, Void has been mostly played as an offlaner, building items like aghs, blink and vlads. Is he still a good safelaner? Like would you pick him instead of some other HC like spec or PA?

    Looking for opinions :)


      Maybe as a utility core with a dp that you can snowball and end the game fast but I dont think you should play void as a classic carry with a bf or smth


        He was in previous patch, not anymore..

        King of Low Prio

          Vanguard radiance life


            kinda okish if u know what you are doing


              Mom is still good on if u can get some dmg items asap after and ur kinda snowballing. So a safe lane team fighting void is still viable, only in some cases though. Universe and some other pros go mom on him when they are getting complete freefarm in offlane, being played almost as a snowballing carry.

                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                Miku Plays

                  manta diffusal = be like am !!!!

                  me, government hooker

                    mom is awful on void


                      If he manages to snowball he can be a decent carry. Its really annoying trying to kill a carry void if he's ahead because of the new timewalk. It removes the last 2 seconds of damage on 6 second cooldown, so in general it reduces the damage he takes by one third if he isn't killed during the cooldown. I'm not sure how he fares lategame now, haven't seen him go against something like Sven or Spec lategame this patch. Still, his bash should make him a decent carry regardless.

                      Mike Wazowski..!

                        You could try.. But you would need to get blink IMO.. Otherwise landing chronos is pretty difficult, specially against a mobile team.. The 550 time walk range is too low for surprise 4 man chrono..
                        He hasn't fallen off as a carry though, he is just a better offlaner now..


                          Mom is horrible on void atm cause u don't have backtrack anymore...if playing safelane I usually buy tango, 1 health pot, stout shield and ring of protection(this is the wagamama build)..then build Aquila treads vanguard, radiance, manta or u Can be full on damage and go helm sny/manta ,mljonir ,BKB/diffuse(optional), treads and AC/Daedalus/MKB.

                          Btw wagamama alrdy explain why void is a decent or okish safelane unless the enemy ALOT of DPS damage like veno jakiro etc
                          Edit:wagamama vid.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Don't listen to these retards. "buy mom / buy blink / make him utility carry".......

                            If you watch @wagagaming playing safelane faceless void you can learn the TRUE way to play him

                            -with vangaurd radiance build he is practically impossible to kill cuz of all the HP + time walk + miss chance and he stays alive for a long time so radiance does a lot of damage,

                            -he scales super well into late.. good luck fighting a void with daedelus, and 2 moon shards!!!

                            -he is GREAT in laning stage, he has mobility and survivability thanks to time walk, he has high base damage, and fast attack speed, making laning a lot more easy then if you were playing a carry like spectre who is basically a walking creep till he gets some items.

                   look at those wagamama games.. safelane carry

                            go on his twitch and find his matches

                            you can be very aggressive on tihs hero too,

                            THE ONLY THING IS, you have to know how to play the hero.. practice him with bots and in unranked before you go into live match.

                            His weakness is heroes who can survive being blown up in chrono , like Wraith king, bristle back , dragon knight, (but who the fuck picks those heroes anyway)

                            He's not very good vs sven because of svens 20 armor and burst damage......

                            anyway thats all, dont listen to these guys saying buy mom / build blink, u dont neeed those, u need items thatll help you survive, give eu attk speed, stats, and then go into late game items

                            good build exampels are like a MIX of these items:

                            Vangaurd, Radiance , Sange N Yasha, Manta Style, Moon Shard, Daedelus, MKB,

                            Diffusial is situational..

                            There u go ur welcome

                            Depending on match diffusial manta are situational


                              vanguard, radiance or HoD, SnY

                              always vanguard radiance unless you have a radiance carrier on your team.

                              after radiance get manta than octarine, item is sick. you'll have chrono for every fight.

                              lm ao

                                manta diffusal blink


                                  His weakness is heroes who can survive being blown up in chrono , like Wraith king, bristle back , dragon knight, (but who the fuck picks those heroes anyway)

                                  those are really common picks in lower skill brackets. From <2k to 5k+, wk goes from 12.3% to 4%, dk from 8.5% to 1.8%, and bristle from 11.2% to 2.7%. Those heroes are extremely common. Also time dilation makes Bristle useless. Yeah he can run around and he's hard to kill but he can't spam quills so he's toothless.

                                  been trying the vanguard radiance build in offlane. It's a lot of fun and seems to be working in my 2k potato bracket games. s&y and bfly seem really good after the radiance. I'm curious what other people build after the radiance.

                                  after radiance get manta than octarine, item is sick. you'll have chrono for every fight.

                                  ??? ocatrine core gives a 25% cooldown reduction, but his aghs bonus gives a 40% cooldown reduction. I don't see the point of octarine core on void.


                                    Octarine synergies well with radiance plus u get less cooldown time on time walk and time dilation ....maybe u Can get aghs before or after octarine if u really need it


                                      octarine also boost your hp and mana, and manaregen, and hp regen (radiance, remeber?) the 15 seconds is a good trade off for basically everything, but 15 second less cd.


                                        hmm usually by the time I've got vanguard and radiance I'm already tanky enough, but I need more dmg. if there's already a lot of dmg on your team and you're having trouble surviving the octarine sounds like it makes sense.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                        Dire Wolf

                                          sure you can safe lane him and he's not bad, it's an opportunity cost really. Do you want to safe lane void or sven/spectre/medusa/jug someone better?


                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              Go offlane, can't go wrong with that

                                              Really I'm The Plug

                                                After radiance I like to go moon shard daedelus if BKB isn't absolutely necesarry, sometimes S&Y / Manta, void is very flexible