General Discussion

General Discussion8 game win streak then get complete retards

8 game win streak then get complete retards in General Discussion
Really I'm The Plug

    Won 8 games in a row very ez, 9th and 10th,

    first one, i go 5-0 as OD, meanwhile whole team is garbage feeding, nature's prophet like 0-8 within 15 mins

    I tell them stick with me i have ult and veil, lets smoke into rosh with treants, ez win, NOPE.

    they all speak english yet they avoid simple instructions and die over and over and over and over accomplishing absolutely nothing,

    10th game? Drow steals mid from me , loses mid to tiny, goes to offlane, dies, comes to my lane, dies, doesnt use spells, miss ez double kill, tiny has like 10 min blink dagger ,

    i have no patience for 5v1 games, yeah i can do it, but i have no patience for that shit

    If i go 5-0 to begin and we lose, and ur on my team, delete dota plz.


    does dota put retards on ur team after uve won a lot of games?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Player 175043649

      yes that is why most people have ~50% winrates


        Forced 50% winrate bro. Valve spends millions of hours worth of time ensuring that once you are on a win streak, matching you with retards so that you have a losing streak. It's something of a founder's promise. It makes total sense why they would do it; it's not like they are a huge company with better things to do.




            oh smurfs, nothing new. dont expect to get 100% win rate, kappa+


              Ok everyone knows you get 50% forced winrate, it just about how to use that to your advantage:


                I don't believe in the forced 50%, simply because there are plenty of players that defy it. I am one of them, and I would have way above a 53% winrate right now if I didn't go full retard mode, and play heroes that I completely suck with. I need to do that in bot matches, but would rather learn in pubs.
                Also, I have learned that you don't want to go 5-0 early game in this patch. When you die, you give up so much XP and gold, you lose any sort of a lead that you had. Went 7-0 in the first 6 minutes of my last Puck game, died once, and went all down hill from there.

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  alright, a point here on why forced 50% is dogshit.

                  my main is currently 5.5k.

                  im playing this account which im using to reply on this topic starting around 3 weeks ago.

                  and im casually boosting it

                  70% win rate, from 3590 mmr now to 4500 mmr. SEA servers, toxic everywhere, but every games? i just thrashed the opponents.

                  mostly 9 win streak followed by 1 lose or 2 lose, nth else.

                  when your skill levels is 1k or 1.5k mmr above the average, you can basically 1v9 every game.


                    Teammates is a lottery every game you can't think that you will get lucky always. It's like going to casino and have a nice winstreak on roulette then when you start losing you sue the casino cuz you lose money. Suck it up, everyone has bad and good streaks nothing speciall with your situation. I just had a few days of constant losing now I've got a little winstreak going on thats just the nature of being 1 out of 10 players in a match.


                      I also defy the 50% forced win rate.


                        Its not "forced". Its just natural random. Maybe you've got more retards and feeders, maybe opposite team. Chances are 50/50.

                        Corvus Corax

                          i really believe that most of the games are won or lost in the picks. it happens often that your teammates go full retard and pick very badly. most of the people dont grasp the counterpick stuff...

                          it just one of those games
                          it s all about the he picks she picks bullshit
                          i think you better quit lettin carry slip
                          or you ll be dealin with a fat mid

                          sing that brah


                            I mean of course picks win or lose the game. Thats why random draft is either free win or free loss depending on who picks the un-counterable OP shit.

                            you either get omni OD and free win, OR in spectre game they picked omni OD and the game is lost cuz our first picks were terrible.
                            this patch is actual cancer, you either have to be part of the problem and profit, or try to fight it and lose.


                              i got 10 winning streak then got full retard ivk mid n carry... even i go support get assist mid 3 kills early game still lose the game , there go my beyond godlike streak..

                              Really I'm The Plug

                                dude people on dota are so fucking cancer it's a joke.

                                I love dota, but wow some people are beyond horrible at this game

                                they speak same language as you and dont listen to ur advice even after they feed a bunch of times and they can easily still win by just doing simple things like going to rosh after pushing creeps with a natures prophet, or just puttin wards in places u plan to push a lone, like simple ass things and u TELL people nicely, they ignore u, and fail, 95% of the time......



                                in my clinx game we had more kills all game we just got ratted to death by nature and arc and invoker and i couldve played better but every other game complete bull shit

                                0-8 teammates at 10 mins, 2 abandons in first 3 mins,

                                people who steal ur mid then they go mid n then abandon it once they died 2 times to enemy mid then go to everyoen elses lane steals farm

                                SPEAKS PERFECT ENGLISH, HAS MICROPHONE, AND COMPLETELY IGNORES U WHEN U SAY "Hey man go back u can still get farm and gold just don't die in the lane"

                                Fucking C-A-N-C-E-R

                                US East full of CANCER


                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  dude it is a lot about luck and who will you get in your team. I am playing mostly support, because nobody want to support and i am losing very often with terrible carries. Even if we are winning from the start due to my ganking, we still lose, because carries can´t last hit.

                                  Really I'm The Plug

                                    @Elduryb, in normal skill having something above 50-60% is extremely ez so who cares

                                    @zPay. Otter, I never bothered to get good with riki because in my mind heroes like spectre ursa sven BH omniknight kinda rape him n they are popular in 4k-5k so how do you play him?? how do you make him work for you? plz tell me :D i am curious about the hero. i am stuck in 4.7k right now


                                      just a match that pa don even brother farm but picking carry ... got support got ganker n he is the solo carry in team , we manage to put a fight but he keep wanna join war ... don farm a shit , 25mins 1 deso , 35mins 1 deso 1 bkb .... those retard just pick carry n throw the game wat others can do ? sad life close to 50% wr after 10 winning streak but now keep win lose nvr get arcoss 50% due to deep shit players ... dota2 is just doom!!


                                        U get hidden Pool Players in your Team if u got Huge winning spree thats for sure. I went from 3,8k to 4,5 in like 1 week, right now im losing every GAME


                                          I spoke with a valve worker and he said to me that if u win 25 games in a row u have to play with Phantom riki.
                                          On the other hand, if u lose 25 u have to Play against him :D

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                          lm ao
