General Discussion

General DiscussionI am a Legion commander Spammer lol

I am a Legion commander Spammer lol in General Discussion
Tresdin Aznable

    I'd really like to hear what you guys think about my LC game.
    I don't really spam her because I think shes the best hero or has the best move set or anything. I just love LC and how she plays.
    And I know I am not very good with her. But if anyone had any suggestions to help me improve.

    My plan is to spam LC in solo que ranked until I get my MMR lol I wanna see how well she does in Ranked games.


      I Think im pretty ok with LC
      Few tips:
      Blink first is best in pubs imo ( can snatch easy duels)
      brown boots or treads if you want
      blademail after blink
      then shadowblade (yes you get both sb and blink)
      Next item is situational:
      very late refresher is nice
      And pls no domninator or ghost scepter bullshit :D
      Ofc only my opinion i have seen a lot of better people play differently :D
      Just please dont get blink deso its sooo much weaker than blink blademail
      Have fun :D

      Player 175043649

        well if you can get early damage+ then you can win the game easily, and why do you built dominator on lc? she already have lifesteal if i play lc i will go tread + blink then desolator by minute ~20 for easy solo pickoffs and towers

        edit : and bm are situational

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          ur item choice is rly bad

          Player 175043649

            also any thoughts on jungling LC?

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              All i can say is that blademail is by far the best damage items for LC
              I mean ppl get blademail on axe altho he takes almost no dmg while calling.
              With blademail you can solo ultra fed carries with high damage like am or pa.


                LC isnt the worst jungler by any means (compared to jug or bs like that) but still best is dual offlane for LC

                Tresdin Aznable

                  I try to build satanic lol I know adding the 15% extra life steal isn't that cost effective. but the satanic is and I almost never build ghost scepter just because it never works lol I bought to fountain duel.
                  but my safe item build it

                  Blink before 15 minutes.
                  then either BKB, Blade mail. Or I start a AC

                  then I grab a satanic or a heart so I can make lc tanky.

                  I think Jungle LC is good this patch. Just she is much better in lane if you max out overwhelm the odds.
                  But I usually take her mid and max out overwhelm the odds.

                  thanks for the input : 3


                    Satanic also does not scale well with LC (cant use while duel, outside of duel u just get kited). Try skadi it makes you a good fighter outside of duel. And it makes you almost as beefy as a heart (LC doesnt need the regen/lifesteal)

                    Tresdin Aznable

                      Actually one of my favorite builds to play is
                      Blink, Power treads BKB
                      Ac Skadi and then a heart and maybe top it off with a Abyssal
                      Silver edge also does wonders on LC vs heros with those super annoying passives likes Abbandon lol


                        Silver vs Aba? why?


                          Abba ult wont heal under silver edge. But I don't think Abba could be killed either.

                          Just don't duel Abba is better


                            silver edge disables autocast of abaddon's ult. it still works if you press it manually.


                              Lc is a bad hero.

                              Player 175043649

                                so i went out of my random hero every game routine to try the blink sb thing on lc and i guess it works pretty well, 2 match won and i predict both of those match, LC is pretty fun


                                  It's really excited for October to get into a really bad position, I tends to die a lot playing lc, so to be honest I don't like her that much, I only do ok when I play pos1 carry lc, and it's extremely hard to recover from a bad start as lc, because lc is a slow farmer, unlike am, Luna, sf, Lina.


                                    armlet isnt too bad on lc