General Discussion

General Discussionsuggestion for new Data analysis page/tab

suggestion for new Data analysis page/tab in General Discussion


    I would like to make some suggestions about a possible new data analysis page (for plus members i suppose)

    #1. a Timebased comparision of results per hero. you select a hero and a time period, i think the time periods
    could be 1 week, 1 months, 2 months or 3 months. (further filtration possible (lobby type, server etc))
    the page should now load a series of summaries for each period, these summaries are like the
    "Averages for selected matches" which is in the matches tab. the first summary should be the newest and it would be
    reasonable to limit the number of summaries to 12.
    this would be a good way of looking at player progress over time (on a particular hero) .

    #2. A page to examine success rates per lane. i would like to select a lane and see the matches i played on that lane.