General Discussion

General DiscussionValve PLEASE FIX

Valve PLEASE FIX in General Discussion

    First of all, I play in the 1k bracket. This is the point of this post, people in lower brackets are getting screwed over by the new mechanics of Captain's Mode. Please understand there is ranked below 4k and that we're all (mostly) trying to raise our mmr too.
    Captain's Mode was recently changed after All Pick was disabled, giving the highest mmr captain and regulating it down to the next highest mmr should the captain disconnect. This was designed to prevent teams from drafting random heroes if a captain would disconnect. This change has made CM a terrible place to draft in the lower mmr brackets from my experience and what my friends have also told me.
    The issue basically arises from the fact that half of our mmr bracket is too stubborn to know what patch notes are and what a meta is. I've found that most of my bracket is either completely aware of their ineptitude at drafting and doesn't want to draft or basically has no idea what they're doing and refuse to accept any help. There are actually people in lower mmr brackets where their strong point is the analytical side of Dota such as drafting and item builds and are completely fine being a captain, while falling short on mechanics such as last hitting and knowing how to win lane. Unfortunately, you can't fix matchmaking to make yourself the highest mmr on your team in every cm match you queue in for. This ends up screwing over four people, because the highest mmr immediately types cyka blyat when they load in or we get a toxic player who drafts like its 2012 and says "I'm the highest mmr so obviously I know what I'm doing and you guys are retarded" or something along the sort. It causes the whole team to tilt so much faster when this is already a huge problem in lower skill brackets.
    The easiest way to fix this? Go back to having to click the "Become Captain" button at the beginning of the game, and whenever the captain disconnects put another become captain button below the draft, right where the "Play as hero" button is after the draft is over. This doesn't force anyone to be captain that isn't comfortable with it, doesn't force anyone lagging to time out on every hero, and doesn't force the people who are content with never improving or learning and staying in the lower brackets to be captain then proceed to fuck the draft for the rest of the team.
    I'm not a 5k player, I don't know how well the current CM works for higher than average skill brackets, but I know it basically makes solo queue on CM impossible for low skill players.





        why would you be considered any better?




            you play in the boosted by Havoc Badger bracket

            reaL stöge :D

              Just play All Pick and pick a hero that you are good with. In 1K bracket you can't expect people to be able to play all the heroes well enough in order to rely on them. Not even in 3-4K bracket where I play most of my games people (including me) cant play every hero fluently. In AP players usually pick heroes they are familiar with and have better game impact... I got calibrated at 2K and now I'm nearly 4K solo and still suck, but I reckon in under 5K MMR individual skill and execution means more than counter picking...

              Player 175043649
