General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat does pick rate mean?

What does pick rate mean? in General Discussion

    Is that like percent of games with that hero in it? Or percent chance that any given pick is that hero? Or something else. The numbers don't seem to add up no matter how I slice it.

    Also related, is the "matches played" column an accurate and absolute tally? Adding them all up gives 140,755,952. So this divided by ten, 14,075,595, that's the total matches Dotabuff has on record for this month? Just curious.


      pick rate is the share of matches that have this hero on this or another side


        overall amount of recorded matches atm is ~2.3 billions


          Well I'm just asking about this month, as I know over a long time the data can get fuzzy.

          And if that's the case that 38.26% of tracked games this month had an Invoker in it, then if I divide the total Invoker games this month (13,423,983) by his share (.3826) then that would be the total matches tracked this month (35,086,208). Would that be accurate?


            It's just better to look at pick rates per patch so u can get a glimpse of the meta for that patch