General Discussion

General DiscussionObjective Gaming and MMR

Objective Gaming and MMR in General Discussion
wait for me

    From which MMR people really start playing objective game?? My MMR is quite low at 926. But I generally play unrankend and get 2k-2.5k rank player. My last match the me and CM were only focused on taking racks. The rest of the team were moving all over the map amd trying to get solo pick offs. Luna had 2.5k+ MMR and only bought tanky item, no BKB. I mean come on!!! I might be a noob but at 2.5k how can you not try to end the game when you are ahed?? Or is <4k really shit (that includes me) ??

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    > Whoops


      Player 175043649



          yes. maybe <5k. i have a friend who has 4.2k but my gameplay better than him (approved by my other pal).

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            Not everyone but the majority is high on the noob..u just need to learn and git gud..

            sin blyadi

              Try faceit if u want some objective gameplay. First couple of games ull be balanced with a hs and higher ppl


                objective gaming when ur ahead
                it's a 3k game normal skill,
                hope that's what ur looking for, sub 4k is always shit, 1k to 3k is honest the same, except 3k players know how to last hit.

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                    Pale Mannie



                        sell me your account its my dream to have a 1k or lower account :P
                        <4k no objetive gaming at all, this is why everybody can hit 4k playing enough
                        4k mmr shit objetive gaming after a good fight people round in circles like 10 seconds, then they hit towers take rosh
                        >5k every hero with right click capability will hit your towers and if they are losing they will rat you or at least split push

                        you all cant carry me

                          I can sell you mine!

                          Eternal Meow

                            I think a lot of people will drag a game out when they are winning just to get some sort of ultimate build they are aiming for so they keep farming instead of ending. Just try asking them to push for the win. Some people will NEVER target a structure unless all enemy heroes are dead already. And even then, they will just go back to the base or go jungle farming.

                            Also some people seem to think getting lots of kills is the main objective of the game. They run out and get a few kills until they either die or run back to fountain to regen and wait for CDs to end. Repeat this over and over until you lose the game. The game ends either because creeps finally took enough towers or one player was actually pushing.