General Discussion

General Discussionwhy are there so many retards on ranked?

why are there so many retards on ranked? in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    Seriously. nearly every ranked game i get retards. its insane. i can't carry 4 retards. and then i lose mmr because of fucking noobs. can't this fucking game give me a break for like 10 games. Jesus fuck


      I get a lot of retards


        I am pretty sure that the game has some sort of algorithm to make sure you only get a competent team every 12 matches or so. This is because this is the number of matches in between the games where I have people who all communicate on mic, pic good heroes, make calls, good plays etc...vs the number of matches where I have people on my team who say nothing, pick fucking shitty heroes, make terrible plays etc etc.

        1 good game out of every 12.

        Swap Commends

          Why do I smurf?
          Why do I suck?


            Because you're matched against 5 retards.
            Be sure you're not the 5th retards in your team.


              Pick zeus ez win


                KohDaddy what did you calibrate

                lm ao


                  row row row your boat
                  gently down yhe stream
                  merrily merrily merrily merrily
                  life is but a dream

                  baa baa black sheep
                  have you any wool?
                  yes sir, yes sir
                  three bags full.
                  one for my master,
                  one for my dame,
                  and one for the little boy
                  who lives down the lane


                  lm ao

                    i love jews
                    i love nieggers

                    i love rednecks
                    but i love u more <3