General Discussion

General DiscussionHuge skill gap between 5k and 6k mmr?

Huge skill gap between 5k and 6k mmr? in General Discussion

    So the main difference between 5k and 6k player is 1k mmr. Let's put that aside, i was stomping 5k scrubs in my normal games, but whenever there was 6-6.5k player in the game i couldn't do so. On the other hand some 4k scrubs are playing at much more similar level to 5k ones? Why do you think is this, if you agree with me?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      -yes, the difference is hgue
      -mmr is the estimation of the AVERAGE performance. sometimes people play better, sometimes they do worse.
      -none of the 5k+ players ever come to NMM to play there seriously


        is this a humblebrag by a smurf?

        and idk why you're asking the obvious, being a 6k+ player more or less means you're a leaderboard player or very close to it so duh you're considered 'good' at that point


          ^now think about eu where the leaderboards start at 6.7 or some shit


            Ye in eu u need 7fuckingk to be on lbs :) But i was thinking it's strange that 4-5 k difference is not that big but 5-6k is insane. I was playing against 6.2k puck with wr on mid and boy he made me pull my best to get even on mid...

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            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Here is a simple Dota scale of skill

              <4k - ?

              4k - animals

              5k - humans with strong animalistic behavior

              >6k - humans


                Ye but i feel so average coz of that game, what would i do vs 8k on mid if i can't pawn 6k thrash? Get rekt?

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Dire Wolf

                  I'm pretty sure it's huge, I'm 3600 right now. I've played with people 4200-4400 sometimes in group matches and they obliterate us. They don't always win the match of course cus they have to carry a 2k scrub, but there's a marked difference in their play for sure. i'd imagine 1k difference at any level is going to be like that.

                  Similarly I have a friend who's ~2800. I smash his games when we group queue.

                  What you are seeing is the small sample size. In any one game anyone can come out on top, a lot of it has to do with hero picks. And sometimes the higher mmr player gets cocky and messes around instead of focusing.

                  Also final example, 5k players are just really good players. 6k players are borderline pro. I'm pretty sure every pro would be at least 6k if they did a lot of pub dota.


                    Loda is 5987 kappa123 lolda Anyways if i reach 6k in 2 months of playing the game i will see myself as a successful player..

                    Triplesteal what's your rating son if i may ask?

                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                      The difference between 5k and 6k players are bigger than any other faction of MMR , I don't know exactly why. But it's more likely to watch a 3k player beating a 4k, than a 5k beating a 6k.


                        That's my point.

                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          Loda is a TI winner and one of three actual Gods. Funny thing is I ninja picked his Morph back in DotA 1 and he forced me to swap him by threatening to unvouch me. So I swap him Morph for THD, we rock the laning stage, he goes 4-0 and then my PC restarts and Loda loses points.

                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                            @MakingPlays, 6k player maybe had more experience and they're better in making decition I guess, earlier 5k players ( 5k -5.4k)tend to make mistakes from 4k tier, something diferent in 6k they don't usually commit that kind of mistakes.
                            At least that was what I've seen in my own matches.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              its all about average performance over a decent amount of games.
                              i have "beaten" 6k+ players, i lost to 3k players etc etc

                              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                @MakingPlays I forgot to mention about acc Buyers, there're players which buy accounts (5k or even more) and it ruin ranked games.


                                  im in mid 5ks, kid


                                    Since when is loda a "god"? he is constantly being caried by his team

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      loda sent to the fukin stone age


                                        god meaning he was really well respected back in dota1

                                        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                          @TripleSteal- I don't understand your last comment, It was for me?


                                            who the fuck played dota 1 lolz


                                              what the fuck is dota lolz

                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                i'm in mid 4ks right now and i think i could easily get 6k if i tried even a bit

                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                  You don't get carried to an Aegis. That's not a fucking pub where one guy can underperform and still get carried. You don't exist in a scene for 10+ years with numerous achievements including the Aegis while being carried. Tell whatever you want to yourself, that man is a God regardless of how he plays now, which is still good. He also pioneered many things in this game.


                                                    @spunki WutFace I just saw u had ~5.2k a day ago or 2 and now ur mid 4k? xD

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                      5.2k party


                                                        @赤司征十郎 ® 空

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          I'm just saying most of the pros who went pro through being pub stars like moonmeander I think is one, or the pros who focus on pub staring as well like arteezy when he went to 8k, they are over 7k. Some pros are surely lower like zfreek I believe is a lot lower like 5k but got on the team cus of his brother swindlemelonz. So sometimes it's connections. My guess would be guys like puppy and ppd have lower pub mmr but they probably don't focus on it, they probably focus more on meta level play, strategy and drafting, though both are outstanding players.

                                                          But basically 5k is like someone excellent at dota. 6k is nearing pro level. Huge difference.


                                                            @Triple That "son" was about "Son, i played 20k games of this game"


                                                              i was not offended, just wanted to join the train of spookiness, pal

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                              Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                if 6k+ mmr makes you a human then there are like 1500 human beings (0.0002% of the players) on the planet personally for me the difference between 5 and 6k is not as big as it is between 4 and 5k. Climbing higher than 5k is based mostly on the heroes you "play/abuse". But it's kinda funny how ppl think that mmr makes you good, while there are 4.5k people who can kick some 7k mmrs ***. It's quite obvious that if you are a 5k and you go random every game and build alternative items (a.k.a. play for fun) you are probably far better player in real compared to a 6k guy who spams invoker/ember/slark or a random meta hero every game. Like rly, even my dog can learn how to play 2 or 3 heroes on a godlike lvl and get to 6k and probably beyond. But that's just my opinion and I've never been 6k myself so... I've played enough games in 5-5.5k mmr bracket and I can ensure you that the level of these games is low-average. Probably a 7k mmr game is also on an average lvl. The whole public matchmaking is low-average lvl. So you can't judge people like oh this guy is an animal because he has 5400 mmr or this guy is a good player because he has 6200 mmr.

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                                                                    loda god LMFAO

                                                                    Your Wife's Boyfriend


                                                                      That's not exactly true because there are a lot of people (even some pro players) who are better than me and have lower mmr
                                                                      on the other hand there are some garbage players in 7k who once were in the same bracket with me before they decided to spam something in order to go higher

                                                                      Also MMY had 4800 mmr when the ranked matchmaking was introduced while there were players with 6k+. Was he garbage compared to them?

                                                                      Besides I may be not a great player but I've seen a lot. There are guys who once were in the top 10 dotalicious leaderboards (which was much more accurate then the dumb mmr) and now some of them are 4k-5k lvl. Are they garbage compared to me?

                                                                      Is Kuroky garbage compared to Illidan? Please.

                                                                      For one thing I agree, a 6k abuser is better than a 5k abuser, but not every 6k player is better than every 5k (same for 7 8k and beyond)

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        Tier 1 pros who are not 8k in EU yet just don't play enough ranked or don't try enough period

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                                                                            Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                              It is just funny how people do not realize how low ranked games actually are and think they are doing something great winning games at 6k mmr. They are only good for practice (if you are pro) or fun (if you are not) but going serious in pub games... At least if I start some serious gaming career I am not going to abuse the most broken hero to 7k mmr, I am just going to pick 4 guys make a team and try to reach the competitive scene (even if that means putting 3ks on my core roles), because individual skill is worthless in dota 2 if you don't have a decent team and even a 3k mmr teamgame is way higher lvl than these 6k solo pubs.

                                                                              and as for kitrak:

                                                                              the moment I see something like "I've never lost mid to a guy 500 mmr lower than me" I feel free to ignore the rest of the post.

                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
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                                                                                  Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                                    You are right OP. The difference between a 6k player and a 5k player is one who spams invoker and one who doesnt. That is a very big difference.

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                                                                                            "half my games have 3+ mic users" that happens in anything above 5k, you dont need to be in 6.5+ for that...

                                                                                            Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                                              then feel free to pick 4 completely random guys in your godlike bracket and try to beat a 4k but organized team, gl
                                                                                              mb then you will see how worthless is the fact that you had more cs than their mid player.
                                                                                              What's the matter they are garbage compared to you... :)
                                                                                              You don't have to be a genius at dota to predict the outcome but it's still shocking how ignorant you are thinking that you can't lose mid to a 5k player and even more - you think you are better than them, you can always prove it but not by owning 6k trash pub games.

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