General Discussion

General DiscussionReturning player

Returning player in General Discussion
I'm on the right team

    Hello guys, I'm a casual solo dota2 player and took a break for half a year or so, just wondering if there are any changes that i should be aware of? I tried a few games to adapt with the new reborn client and changes, there are a few questions that i have.

    Iron talon: when to build this and for what hero? lycan? doom? only for jungler?
    Tryhard heroes: What are current meta heroes? zeus? jug?
    Facing a lot of tryhard 4 player stacks recently in normal match that probably want to farm winrate, happens a lot?

    Thanks before

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        iron talon always for junglers, or some roaming support that can utilize it well like night stalker, its also good if u are carry and cant get farm or even xp off ur lane so u go off to jung.
        tryhard heroes are OD, spec, invo, zeus
        sniper is the worst hero in the game.