General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to pick earth spirit?

When to pick earth spirit? in General Discussion

    He suddenly becomes one of the most fun heroes to play even tho he received nerf since the last patches. I felt that when Im using him, I'm always stuck with a wrong line up.

    Venus, MBA

      He's one of those roaming supports that can gank well if played right. Pick him against an invoker mid and run their day. You can pretty much build anything on him, though in my few games with him I tend to go utility and sustain items like Mek. You probably don't want to pick him against heroes with high magic resistance spells like Huskar or Viper though. Pick him when your team has at least one hero that has the slightest bit of disable such as a slow so that you can set up your spells slightly easier.
      Mainly just pick him when you have a team that can realize when you're coming for an early gank and will help you.
      Don't pick him when you have an afk jungler as you will only have one core in each lane to help with a gank, and can be outnumbered. (Sorry for long monologue)


        That was one of the downsides when we have a jungler in team. ES' strength relies on his ganking and he's not that item dependent hero.Thanks!


          first pick