General Discussion

General Discussion6 slotted ta items

6 slotted ta items in General Discussion

    What are some good late game options for TA?

    I usually go deso blink treads daed every game then I have two slots for situations such as mkb bkb AC but what would be best late game?

    Should I get rid of my deso? Should I get rid of my blink?

    Suggestions appreciated trolls are not.


      i see diffusals and abyssal quite often, too; you should consider them as well.
      ppl used to get hex but nowadays it barely ever happens.


        Is abyssal that good? I usually don't try to get in melee range, but I can see how a 2 second stun is worth it. Diffusal I never thought to try late game but I've built it against omni and instant slows like that are always nice, but the item itself felt like I could do something more with a different item.

        I'll try them out. Thanks.


          dont sell blink
          u can sell deso to get abyssal
          ideal late game is blink abyssal daedalus bkb cuirass/bfly/mkb boots
          cuirass if enemies has armor reduction or strong physical damage and they will build mkb

          diffusal is not a good item if you dont need the purge

          lm ao

            ta can carry late like any other agi can, but u have to invest in some survivability (ac or skadi or bfly) or go for sheer damage(abyssal,daedalus,rapiers)

            if ur a good ta its rare for you to have to go late game though

            if u purchase abyssal be sure to buy some attack speed as well as criticals (bfly or consumed moonshard)


              abyssal rapier
              i feel like moonshard is sometimes pretty good. especially during slowsiege of hg which is pain in the ass, it helps you just dump your 6 ref dmg charges into tower and run away


                hex or abysal can e good

                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                  When it needed I usually go for vyse.
                  All it depends on the situation you have to deal with.
                  In some situations I go for items with more survivability instead of damage like manta, butterfly, cuiras, vyse, even skadi or tarrasque (very rare the last 2) but works good against heroes which break your refraction instantly.

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                    game should end before you have to buy anything extra

                    sin blyadi

                      diffusal only for purge. There are better dps items


                        Don't buy hex on TA u guys


                          whats wrong with that?
                          just curious, i actually have very seldom reached ultra late with ta

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                            It's a waste of a slot
                            Abyssal is much better but also very situational


                              u probably should end the game by that time bc ta's effectiveness will go down
                              sell deso get aby or hex if the time comes bc the enemies will be harder to kill
                              if their is no evasion on the enemy team i suggest getting rapier.


                                hex is actually suboptimal after le big hex nerf, thats why barely anyone gets it now.


                                  Why's there another guy saying hex now fucking xd
                                  Also Daedalus > rapier


                                    ppl use outdated builds sometimes, particularly in lower brackets


                                      hex still good vs ember and storm (if there is one ever again)


                                        deso/ac/daedalus/blink/mkb or bkb

                                        drop blink whenever you can take aegis

                                        hex if necessary

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Game should end before you are a six slotted TA, but wouldn't you want boots of travel, blink, deso, daedulus, ac, butterfly? Sub in mkb/bkb as needed.

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                                            Abyssal > hex always


                                              so moonshard is stupid?


                                                Moonshard is super good but u shouldnt carryy it lategame

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                                                  yeah i get that you have no slots later so you have to eat it, but do you buy it earlier than as 7 slot sometimes?


                                                    Yes I sometimes buy it after deso

                                                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                      hex it's situational, as I said "if it's needed".
                                                      situations like when you have to focus on some hero and your team had not the right disablers or not enough disablers to do that job.


                                                        As I said. Then u should buy abyssal


                                                          Yes I sometimes buy it after deso

                                                          noted. thanks m8

                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                            You don't drop Deso ever. Maybe in ultra late game for Rapier.

                                                            Hex is better than Abyssal most of the time. 25 sec CD, 800 range, 3.5 duration > 60 sec CD, 140 range, 2 sec duration. Why is this even being questioned? "Hurr durr but Abyssal gives dmg and bash", CD of Hex beats that.


                                                              i wish there was deso 2


                                                                It's not being questioned it's just that hex TA is dogshit

                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                  It's situational after the big nerf. But still it's useful under right circumstances.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Is dropping deso for lifesteal like satanic ever worth? TA probably doesn't need it to manfight, but holy shit she'd like never die with satanic and her shield.

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      Nah. Dropping Deso for anything is almost always a bad idea.


                                                                        "Is dropping deso for lifesteal like satanic ever worth?"

                                                                        I would some games


                                                                          Heart & butterfly & bkb


                                                                            So many deso lovers here. Treads > Blink > Yasha > Manta > Deadalus > BKB Cuirass is a must > Butterfly mkb depending on the enemy team

                                                                            Lets not forget early game items Bottle, Aquila, and a Wand

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