General Discussion

General DiscussionMaximising Calibrated MMR (Support)

Maximising Calibrated MMR (Support) in General Discussion
The 1st

    Hi, I've recently open a new ID. With the never-ending trend of do not play support before you are MMR calibrated, I decided to find out whether the calibration system remains the same now.

    I am both 3k solo and pt MMR player (old ID) and have been playing mostly one single support hero - Crystal Maiden.

    It would be great that all support players out there able to share their 2 cents on maximising the MMR calibration output for new support players out there. Since normal match nowadays are full of offlane carry, mid lane carry, safe lane carry and neutral spawn carry due to not being wanted to be calibrated lower in MMR.

    I have done some research on the net noticing that most ppl assumes KDA, GPM, XPM, HD, TD and win rate as the core factors affecting a player's MMR on calibration.

    I have recently been raised to Very High Skill bracket not certain whether it will stay long enough thou.

    I would assume that KDA and win rate affects my skill bracket most base on my matches up to date.

    If GPM, XPM, HD and TD brings big impact to skill bracket, as a crystal maiden support I would be forever in the normal bracket.

    Matches that were calibrated Normal or High Skill bracket after I've gotten VHS were mostly party games I played with either two of my friends.
    (When they were still in normal and high bracket)

    I would be calibrated back to VHS in solo game.

    Below its my new ID

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Cosmic Power

      This is fun. No ratio, no XPM, no TD, no HH. ... U place 1000 wards per game?

      The 1st

        Best believe you need to read better next time around bro. I'm sort of asking for others experience in this this. Not trying to implement new system to the calibration system. These stats calibration system is doing fine, but we can tell it favors the carry. But valve never tends to expose anything detailed regarding calibration system, leaving things in doubt. Zeus abuse was said fixed, oracle abuse is in a "who knows its fixed or not state".
        It's fun thou that we test things out ourselves

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        The 1st

          If I'm staying long in VHS, most support heroes should be able to do it too. So this naturally means we don't need to force ourselves to play carry just to have a better mmr as a start.

          Next, 10games calibration trend. It is still widely advisable for supports to play carry to score better in this 10 match. ill try posting every match avg mmr when I get there.
          And we can roughly see what's causing my next game raise or lower in avg mmr match

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            thanks for sharing, look forward to your next update !

            Execute Order 322

              Any1 playing only supports can hit at least 3,7k mmr after calibration since if u're keep winning normal/hs games you will eventually be taken into vhs. And if u calibrate after the point where u got to vhs in normal matchmaking, u are doubtly get lower than 3.5-3.7. Maybe only if u feed in your calibration games ridiculously

              /close thread

              lm ao

                Just do your best in every game! Winning is all that matters, as long as you lead or help your team to victory!