General Discussion

General Discussionquestion

question in General Discussion
احساسِ کم تریکی

    So,my question is that,is mmr calibrated on your overall winrate or if u have hight skill or vhs ,in your matches?anyone knows?and anyone has an idea how much whould i be able to open?


      mmr is calibrated basing on ur skill that is reflected in dozens of factors. winrate barely matters (only relative to skill group). if all ur matches are in normal skill, u can be pretty sure you'll calibrate below 3k.

      احساسِ کم تریکی

        ok,ty,i have another question now,so if i want to goto high skill ,i will have to raise my mmr to 3.2k?or there's another way?how do u even get in high skill?by kda?,if i manage to get to high skill,before completing my calibrating matches,is there a chance that i 'll calibrade above 3.2k?,just questions


          high skill just stands for matches with average mmr in between 3200 and 3700. it doesnt matter what KDA u get there.



              git gud please