General Discussion

General DiscussionThe death of regular Doto

The death of regular Doto in General Discussion

    Hey dudes

    So i've been playing some custom games lately, mostly 10v10 and Colosseum. After getting 980+ ping in ranked last night, I abandoned 2 minutes into the game because I just couldn't handle it. Decided to check for updates for my graphics driver, and I updated it and the lag is now gone. If you look at that OD game, all of my team but 2 ppl abandoned and we ended up winning! xD
    I would watch it if I was you, it hilarious, they won 2v5.

    Anyway, after I fixed the ping issue, I played 2-3 10v10 games and oh my god i'm in love. Its SO MUCH more fun than regular Doto. Constant action and the people playing make it the best game mode. I can curse as much as I want(for fun ofcourse), nobody's raging, we're all laughing on mics... Its all around a pleasant experience. This marks the day i'm done playing regular Doto. Custom games only from now on.
    Stress/rage/reports/butthurt ppl/complete idiots.... Why on earth would I want to go back to that shit. CUSTOM GAMES FTW BOYS :D


      Play dota imba


        Once you get good, realy good in any game, even customs, you will get frustrated when others fail, just like dotes...

        I started to skillshot wars just for fun, the fun lasted a while until I saw people not playing as well as the game can be played, as well as I play it, and it became frustrating, just like dota.


          try wtf+. i play it once and got a blue screen on the 1st war