General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed advice.

Need advice. in General Discussion

    Been playing dota for a really long time, maybe almost 9 years. New to dota2, played for half a year but i cant seem to grasp this game. It's the same game as dota but somehow it just feels different. How do you guys improve? I used to play only carries but now that I try to play support heroes the game seems even harder. Also, when i played carry i was in the vhs/hs bracket no problem. Once i started playing es and heroes that cant carry alone late game i got a huge loss streak and dropped to high/normal skill. Any advice? If you wanna troll find another thread.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Some friends of mine also troubled transferring from dota1 to dota2. I'd say do all heroes in demo mode. Once you get used to dota2 it is honestly waaaaay better. I mean in dota1 everyone was crazy and chased for kills half accross the map so of course the pace of the game here is different. Just get used to playing more rationally then the dota1 tard mentality to "kill kill kill". Also learn to stack, to pull and microing in dota2 is a lot easier too. Check the patch notes because they are a really big deal here and watch tournaments. Also dont think the method we played heroes in dota1 was right. Again watch some games with high MMR in the watch tab and dont be surprised when you see that spirit breaker/ Barathrum is a support hero for example.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        play more heroes that you feels good with it maybe ?


          Good old dota 1 Viper vs all team days


            Hey bro try to use dota 1 hotkey in dota 2. It is actually work for me, u can try it. When i played dota 1 before i dont even know supporter exist, lol


              ^one of my friends only learned about the existence of dust when he switched to dota2 this year. He also doesnt know about smoke probably.

              Magbalugtong Jr.

                Keep playing bro, u will get used to it. I can still remmber back in dota 1 days i used to play mid but when i played dota 2 i discover that i was more comfortable playing the offlane and sometimes support. Its natural, there is always room for improvements