General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit indirect buffing: Bloodthorn, Bloodstones rework, and Aghs

Storm Spirit indirect buffing: Bloodthorn, Bloodstones rework, and Aghs in General Discussion

    Three major changes that occured in the 6.87 Patch was the introduction of the bloodthorn, built from crystalys, and orchid. Which has a 20% chance to deal 175% dmg and an active that grants true strike for all players against your target, as well as 35% amplification of all attacks. Bloodstones now starts with 12 charges instead of 8 making for 4 additional points of mana regen and a guaranteed 12 seconds off next spawn in (deduction from spawntime). Aghs now also helps with storm spirit's teamfight. (zips into fight, aghs vortex, silence, possible refresher, vortex, silence).


    So do you think He is back in the meta?
    Is Aghs worth it?
    Should bloodthorn be first item on Storm?
    Why does Icefrog do the unexpected and indirect buff him?
    Why is my WR with Storm only 44% Kappa?

    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

      Based on those changes Storm is not a mid position, he needs a lot of farm to be reliable, Maybe you can play storm as safelane carry, to grants the farm.
      Based on you have mentioned also the 1% of magic damage increased for each 16 int you gain, he might be an strong late game carry.

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        Why is my WR with Storm only 44% Kappa?

        Because you are shit, simple


          bloostone good others are ultrasituational, which is not really relevant

          move look

            He's still shit mid loses lane to everyone. I guess safe lane or jungle with talon could work.

            You would rush bloodstone then get aghs, bloodthorn


              Safelane storm coupled with alchemist mid new meta.

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                  so umm.. is he good now? do you still go bloodstone first, then orchid and bloodthorn?


                    He's ok now, I played 2 games with him so far and bs or orchid 1st is situational, but in any case I go arcane boots.


                      disassemble for bs then treads?


                        Sumail and others prefer bs first and treads, the attack speed helps alot with zipping for overcharges. And im really not that bad of a storm, my WR is bad but my KDA is well off. With the old BS you have around 10 MPS, with orchid it is around 7 however, now bs is around 14 MPS so you get double the Mana regen compared to orchid now, so BS first item, safelane and jungle works well. Mid he does well when chosen for the correct drafts. He is pretty much is just situational and dependent upon skill of the player. AND I WAS BEING SARCASTIC ABOUT MY WINRATE, THAT IS WHAT KAPPA IS. IVE ONLY BEEN PLAYING SINCE VALENTINES DAY. (p.s. If you want to know why dota is still smaller and less successful than League of Legends, which i also play, it is because of how rude the players are, and how messed up the system becomes at times.)

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                              Most likely but it won't change the fact that you suck with Storm


                                orchid gives 4.8 and i was right about BS

                                A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                  Probably replace shivas with agh now or something


                                    Wont change the fact that you are the reason no one appreciates the dota community.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      KDA doesn't matter if u lose all ur games...

                                      stupid fuck 2000

                                        News flash m8, lol community is equally if not more toxic than the dota 2 community. Simply put, wether people like to admit it or not, the real reason reason lol is more popular is because dota's learning curve is incredibly steep in comparison.


                                          already lost with a 60min storm, refresher, blood and aghs

                                          is strong