General Discussion

General Discussion3 towers around base left

3 towers around base left in General Discussion
Cosmic Power

    U beat oponents, u have advantage just to destroy final towers around base but ... Around every Tower u have 5 enemys, and is realy tough to break trough. Many time i just lost because is imposibile to all 5 go to tower and atack. Usualy people feeds, enemy geting stronger, game start to be boring and sometime my teammates just quit. Then its happned to lose game. Today i have 3 games like that but i have luck to win all 3. Win after mental breakdown. How to win easy?


      After you Take all of the Enemy towers, Try and secure Roshan, Get aegis, and slowly siege tower until you take it down. later try and just focus on Objectives like taking down raxes and retreating if you know you can't win a fight.


        take all outer towers push out lanes take aegis smoke

        Cosmic Power

          EPIC bitch game:
          Carrys afraid to engage even if we are much much stronger ....
          Only outer towers left!

          In one moment i go with lich behind outer tower just to show them!

          Cosmic Power

            Pudge disconected then want to abandon game!

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              Lol this is what happened to us.


              The difference is that were the defensive team. He just hold our tower, defeat them all in clash inside our base an we turned the table against them late game. The bonus armor around tower is a joke.


                You really want to look for a pickoff. Ward up, farm their jungle, and keep the lanes pushed in. You should be able to farm 100x better if they are just turtling the high ground. Do this until you get an ideal pickoff (say someone extends to far), and take the fight 5v4.


                  Yeah I played my first game trying to take towers just before, you can really quite feel the effects of the extra armour aura when trying to take a fight there.


                    When that happens to me I usually take Rosh buy Travel boots and split-push, it forces the enemy to either defend in as 5 a get tower damage or defend as 3 or 4 to save all their towers.
                    Works for me at least.


                      Take rosh. Deward their vision around base. Ward to make sure they don't leave. Then enter with using the scan ability to get a heads up if they are right at the tower. If you take a tower be sure to get a ward in their base to be able to take racks/ have a safe entrence later.

                      But what do I know. #normalskill