General Discussion

General DiscussionImprovement

Improvement in General Discussion

    How does one actually improve at dota? Apart from the usual advice about practicing.. I have some questions..

    Does one focus on one role and just play heroes in that role?
    Does one focus on a certain hero and only move on when he has 'mastered' that hero? If yes how does one realise that it is time to move onto the next hero?

    Would really appreciate your thoughts.


      dunno, so far i just pick a gud hero for team, even im not master it.


        you have to be dead inside first


          @Arin so you have to be Lich?


            play with friends that have 2k or 3k mmr points more then you


              Play "brain-fully", read guides on basic mechanics, let wiki be your best friend, testing with bots or pub games.

              Yes, i myself ve been playing support since i played dota 2. You dont need to know all heros in that role to be effective..Dazzle and Lion was my only 2 supports i knew back then, but they were very well-trained which made them pretty good to almost any match.

              With the beginers, it s best to just have fun with all the heros to learn the game 1st. Try-hard with certain heros will take some time later on. To "master" a hero, in my humble opinion, is when you have the "feel" of that hero ( turn rate, mana management, last hit, skill shot, micro, etc) to the extend of being confortable with anything your mind came up with in the chaos of battle ( big words from such a cat :D)

              The only advice i could give u is " Knowledge is power", you can only out-play many with just the knowledge alone, read read read.

              You can add me if these words made sense to you


                Say way you improve at anything. Analyze what you do wrong, and work on that.

                I sometimes watch replays of my own games. Even the ones I think I stomp, I see myself making so many mistakes.


                  Thanks for all your advice.

                  I feel most comfortable with Invoker, Bounty Hunter and Nature's Prophet, so should I keep playing them? I have tried out most of the heroes already.


                    Keep playing Bounty Hunter. This hero is relevant no matter you are 2k plebs or Kitrak, a serious guy on this forum, who is casually playing pub games with pros.


                      lol, Kitrak profile here:

                      He often get match with EG.PPD or Arteezy.


                        Wow . Thanks for the suggestion.

                        Player 175043649

                          buy/get/borrow account with vhs bracket, play pubs on that acc and learn what to do and dont, game mechanics, etc
                          and go back to your account u should improve a lot

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                            ^ Yea. I actually practise like that too by using my friend acc to play vhs in pub. Kinda useful since gameplay in vhs bracket is much faster than my bracket.