General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play lane build Elder Titan

How to play lane build Elder Titan in General Discussion

    So apparently Elder Titan is a game winner, and since in desperate need of winning games I need to play game winning heroes.

    The problem with Elder Titan is that even though he apparently has Spectre winrates in <2k games and gets between 53-55% winrates in the other brackets it feels like there is no real spot for him in the laning stage.

    Most people apparently take him offlane, but it doesn't seem like he is good for shutting down an enemy carry since he is melee, has hard to land skills, and pushes the wave. Furthermore he can't really gank the mid too well. He doesn't scale well with items, but he needs levels which makes him bad as a safelane support - and the stats show he has lower gpm/kda/winrate on safelane than offlane. He's apparently the worst at mid probably because of a combination of not scaling with items and being melee makes it easier to lane against him.

    So firstly to anyone who plays him, how should he be played in a way which pressures the enemy safelane carry or support, how should he be build in the mid to early game, and should you run in with him and try to help deal some damage and tank some damage, or is he just meant to stand at the back casting echo stomp and providing a minus armour and magic aura?


      hey im just play with elder, and all he need is spamming 2nd and my ls got squishy af.


        2-1-2 laning stage against greedy enemy lineup (meaning they have jungle/roamers/weak lanes like triple melee)


          I can see why this hero goes basically unpicked. Nobody has the slightest clue what to do with him.

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              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                  i remember when we played against that shit with 79 against some 6ks-7ks

                  that echo stomp spam where we couldn't push a single tower still gives me nightmares

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                      yea it was a support afair.
                      tranquils soul ring eul something

                      found it


                        started playing him recently and in the 2k-3k potato bracket I nearly always lose my lane but still win the game with him. 74% winrate after 19 games and I legit can't say I have figured out how to make his laning phase work, even in my bracket. I basically win off of his ult alone.


                          Anyone ever cast the spirit at 1 of the side lanes and then tp to the other side lane? Once it reaches you it will give you a lot of power. Walk them down with an OoV. Also because it took so long to get to you your spirit will be off cooldown. Now what is interesting is when you cast it again and bring it back fast enough you will keep the power up from before. Have fun. And don't tell a soul.


                            I always thought the cooldown started counting down when the spirit got back to you, but nope, it's right after you cast it. Kinda silly. Problem with intentionally having the spirit travel really far across the map is that you're basically guaranteeing that you're going to TP in without spirit; what if you want to cast spirit right after you arrive?

                            usually I get an early soul ring and spam spirit but it really seems like that just leaves you open to getting ganked since you wind up pushing so far. Maybe cause like a noob I get soul ring and treads instead of soul ring and tranqs. His itemization feels really flexible.

                            Dire Wolf

                              He's just a game winner cus he counters slark and spectre and other agility carries.