General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is wtf I want to tell PA is so fucking bullshit

This is wtf I want to tell PA is so fucking bullshit in General Discussion



      At the end of the day It's still pa and she is garbage

      ASSESS Product

        Still his luck still higher than me when I try to flirt a girl.

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            Stop. Go talk about it with ur friends

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              Cleave bounty hunter still better


                5x battlefury bullshit? Please say me serioussly, how often u have 5x battlefury?

                PS: sorry for my english, i know that its horrible


                  PA is so fucking dogshit what are you on about


                    how does this matter in real games?


                      wow this guy's actually so annoying
                      i got sick of this bulldog/sing imitation after 40 seconds

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                        and the fact that they almost lost after having ~30 kill advantage is saying something about this build as well

                        ASSESS Product

                          Thats why it called silly build for reason. In fact, he play full pt and got full support from his friends. This is meant to be fun though.

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                            It's a great, fun build, someone should also try this in public and tell us his opinion/post his game here.

                            sin blyadi

                              This voice made me cancer


                                Dat cleave... it really stacks... if you have 5 furries, then you have 300% cleave damage multiplier. Pretty lethal enough to farm a single wave of creeps...

                                Edit: i forgot that cleave damage is 35%. So the 5 furries gives you 175% cleave damage instead.

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