General Discussion

General DiscussionHow i can improve my invoker?

How i can improve my invoker? in General Discussion

    Can u guys review about my invo and give comments :))


      You look to be pretty decent at him, and based off the Heros showing up in each game, I am assuming your about high 1k or lower 2k. The enemy teams seem to not really know how to play against an invoker is also why I'm assuming this.

      Tip wise: Work on your style timing. I saw ALOT of games where you went exort quas even though your team had enough damage dealers but not enough disablers. Best example is the most recent invoker game, you had an ursa but still went quas exort.
      I'll break down the problem with this fairly simple. Think about what ursa's main problem is, getting close and staying close to the enemy . Quas Wex is the perfect way to setup damage dealers that have this problem. You can tornado to position, cold snap/deaf blast/ice wall to prevent running, and if your quick thinking use ghost walk to slow them down.

      Overall: Think more about when you need to run Quas Wex, it allows him to control the fight better than anyone in the game and it spoonfeeds damage dealers .


        Also refresher isn't needed, if you use his spells correctly and utilize all of them , the enemy will be dead before you can get through all of them .


          Tha fuck are u talking about, refresher is like the most fun and best item on invoker rofl.

          Holy Roman Empire

            ^but it is a lategame item for invo really... and octarine is much better early on.


              Finger your gf lol


                Did I say anything about rushing it before u even buy brown boots?


                  Invo picker here<<< and I'm with 0.0 refresher with invo has the advantage every clash it's Like tornado emp with two ravage(db) and two meatballs


                    You can also use something like tornado > hex > sunstrike > meatball > blast > hex > meatball > blast > sunstrike for a single target kills. U can fuck am with it.


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                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                      ye im sure every 1k mmr player can do that u fаggоt ^


                        0.0 u r god of invo right? Most bullshit combo btw


                          NC combo dude :) but I didn't use that combo before I'm afraid my SS don't hit and this new patch having me trouble sometimes wrong skill appear due to This 0.05 CD btw what's your MMR dude?


                            Above F  I  V  E  T  H  O  U  S  A  N  D  M  A  T  C  H  M  A  K  I  N  G  P  O  I  N  T  S


                              Wp hehe


                                Next qe NS invo i love this. Soon ull be 4k and if u play sth else than qe invoker ull get 9. Reports every game cuz your skill Level is still 2k


                                  Hartz what's your MMR?


                                    Maybe get better at him by playing th e hero???


                                      My mmr solo n party is 1.8 :')


                                        You just can't improve on ur invoker, you have to improve urself and ur invoker improves by that much proportion. it is like increasing the size of a set to increase it's subset. You need to get better at math too. You need to start thinking deep for a change and find ur true purpose in life!!

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                                          What do you man by math?


                                            Permutations and combinations, probability and basic arithmetic in particular, nothing too complex!!


                                              Practice, practice and again, practice.