General Discussion

General DiscussionCANT CLIMB TO VHS BRACKET :(

CANT CLIMB TO VHS BRACKET :( in General Discussion

    help how can i climb to vhs bracket i already hs bracket NEW SMURF :)

    < blank >

      git gud and stop smurfing, you are not a VHS player


        no one cares. You are from SE-A and you are a smurf. please stfu, you are only the 15th person this week to say that


          too many butthurts here fucking normal skill player./.


            Well you haven't been doing very well in high skill games so what makes you think you deserve VHS?


              @SevenEleven see my win rate idiot i can climb to VHS

              Livin' Real Good

                Your win rate doesn't mean shit if you only have 20 games on your fucking account dumb ass. Anyone can make a new account, stomp 1-2K MMR's in unranked pubs and have a 70% win rate.

                That's like playing one game with SF ever, going 3-0 and bragging that you have a 100% win rate with SF.

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  In the majority of your games you're about average compared to the other people in the game. Just accept that you're HS and move on to your next smurf.


                    just stfü and get back to ur main and play ranked


                      ok i will create a new account smurf

                      ASSESS Product

                        git gud op git gud


                          I was joking about the move on to your next smurf thing. Go back to your main and climb. It usually takes less time anyway if you really don't deserve to be at your current MMR.


                            my main account is 3.5 i can climb to 3.7 3.6 always like that so i try to create a smurf account hoping to get 4k tbd


                              If you're staying between 3.5k and 3.7k then obviously you deserve to be there.


                                i started dota2 in 2012 and got 1.4k mmr
                                and created two smurfs and i got 2.4k , 2.9k
                                and this my last smurf and its mmr is 3.7k
                                don't give up! create more smurfs ppl!


                                  Just keep playing bro check mine i just got in very high skill bracket haha


                                    my new smurf i created for fun, 2nd match already vhs


                                    teammate and opponents average mmr 4.6k. ez?

                                    im 5.5k player @ SEA

                                    if you are not good then you are not good, nothing much to be sad about, get gud and u will be good.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                    Lets do Science

                                      Just play your main. You don't learn much from stomping newbs / smurfs. Unranked is a complete shitfest, Its not even good for just trying out heroes you rarely play / haven't played in awhile. Its too full of arrogant smurfs who think they're better than their mmr, people who are "juts palying 4 fun xdddd" who proceed to flame and feed the second they don't get to pick a core, variance in games is drastic due to people migrating from ranked and completely shitstomping entire games.

                                      In short: unranked is terrible, Only play it if you feel like always having to carry four people on your back because everyones purposefully playing like monkeys in a candy store.

                                      Best Treant EU

                                        every smurf i created had vhs in first match. u are just too bad for vhs. im sorry

                                        Guy Riki

                                          How do I leave normal skill? My win rate ain't bad.


                                            OP thinks he deserve vhs because of his winrate is 70% after 10 games? that's incredible easy to do. I mean I got 67% winrate this patch but its in 40 matches. If op played at least 50-100 games with 70% winrate I think he can come back and complain