General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes 1v1 really helps practicing mid?

Does 1v1 really helps practicing mid? in General Discussion
Execute Order 322

    Recently found myself interested in practicing some mid. Currently Im mainly playing supports. In normal or ranked matches of my mmr (3.8-4) it's kinda hard to bind mid since every fuckboy wants mid and marks it asap. However, even if smb marks mid after you, he will also pick mid hero despite you've already picked one and marked the lane before him. At the same time, no one ever wants to pick a support and that's what I almost always have to do in the recent time.

    Due to "difficulty" of practicing mid in usual games, I've played some 1v1 games but, you know, 1v1 mode is so different from the real game when u have to track enemy supports' rotations and all that stuff.

    Is 1v1 mode really decent for practicing mid or there're some better options? And what about 1v1 matchmaking? I found some 1v1 games were ridiculously easy while the other ones were really tough. Does matchmaking work here in the sameway like in normal/ranked games?



      Execute Order 322

        And 1 more question. In my mind there re 2 kinds of mid heroes. Ones don't really rely much on farm and can make some noise on the map quite early: qop, puck, lina etc.

        At the same time, I've seen some unorthodox picks for mid which heavily rely on farming like naga, alchemist, morphling. When it's worth to pick this kind of heroes for mid and is it viable for low skilled players like me (~3.8k mmr) or is it only viable if a person can play really well?

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Morph mid is bad. Idgaf what people say that hero only works when youre better than your opponent and at that point you could mid with any hero

          Alch mid is easy

          Naga mid much harder