General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Damage on Dotabuff

Hero Damage on Dotabuff in General Discussion

    Can anyone explain to me how dotabuff calculates the hero damage stat in games, because you can see these stats in the console after a game and there is always a significant difference between the two. So I was hoping I could find out why that difference exist.


      Dotabuff doesn't calculate it, they just take it from the info Valve API gives. If there really is a difference it comes from what valve gives in API and what is written in console.

      Eternal Meow

        Does anyone know if the damage dealt takes into consideration how much hero health was remaining on a last hit on a hero?

        For example, if Lina uses Laguna Blade on someone with 100 health does it count that as 850 damage or 100?

        Any last hit on a hero is going to deal more damage than the damage required to kill them. That might account for the difference if the console is showing a different number.


          ^it counts as 100 damage. you can't deal more dmg than a hero has HP. you can tell this with the combat log.