General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking To Play In a Higher Bracket

Looking To Play In a Higher Bracket in General Discussion

    Probably going to get flamed for this, but I truly believe I do not belong in the Normal Skill bracket. I feel as if I am exponentially better than most of the players in my games. I stopped playing Dota for awhile (3 monthish break) and picked up CS:GO and I came back to it when 6.87 came out. These are my stats since 6.87 in ranked in this bracket:
    15 Matches
    93.33% Win Rate
    14.13 Kills
    6.87 Deaths
    14.8 Assists
    554 GPM
    574 XPM
    Idk I wish i could recalibrate and see where I truly belong without the grind to level 50. Any HS players want to party up sometime tomorrow preferably unranked to see how I play in that bracket? Thanks.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      But dude all your cosmetics are on this account


        if u can play in sea i will try


          lol my cosmetics, I don't mind losing them honestly. and @I AM SLARK, Ive never tried SEA and my ping would proabbly be 200+ so I dont think that would be an accurate representation of skills

          ASSESS Product

            If you can stomp 3k sea that mean you're 4k material kappa


              embrace the grind, it will be more fulfilling.


                The grind is just that though, a grind.

                Miku Plays

                  wats ur mmr?

                  Professor Dog

                    Fun fact: if you play ranked and you belong in a higher bracket you'll climb


                      Solo MMR is aroun 900, I havent touched it since I calibrated almost a year ago. I play with a friend of mine in Party MMR and hes around 1500, and mines 1900, but its climbing at a ridiculous rate. I feel like if I played solo I would just mop the floor with everyone for the next good chunk of games and that seems like no fun, so I play party and I at least have fun with friends while stomping. I know I'll continue to climb, I just want to know if i belong in that bracket, and if I do I would like to make some friends on the way up to play with.

                      Miku Plays

                        i know someone who was 700 mmr, now hes grinding to 3k, you should too


                          Was 1.4k, climb to 3k in a 2 months or so. Theres no really excuses dude. If you say you can always stomp, then stomp those ranked hard till you get your true mmr. If you cant, then you are belong there.