General Discussion

General DiscussionRing of Aquila is the new Drum

Ring of Aquila is the new Drum in General Discussion
my wife is fat

    Phase -> Urn -> Ring of Aquila = 6.86 Spectre

    The major nerf to Spectre, at least in 3-4k bracket, is his ability, or lack therefore, to farm. Ring of Aquila is not ideal but its close enough to solving that.

    Even in 6k brackets, 24min radiance is now normal. Get a RoA and you only add another minute to getting that radiance. Of course, Manta -> Diffusal -> Radiance might always be a better build in this meta (tanky strength cores)

    And no, Echo Sabre is not good.

    Guy Riki

      Is Dagon good on Spectre?

      my wife is fat



          ROA was always better than Drums but ROA its a early item that help u farm our cores items, mean while the Drums is a mid game item that help u fight early when u need to get to late game fighting and that was kinda the idea of last metas.

          Now they nerf the Drums on cores, so u can keep farming mid game coz is hard to push to tier2 now.


            24min radiance

            ur fucking high

            my wife is fat

              why? are you one of those cancerous fucks who go brown boots -> radiance?

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                  Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                  my wife is fat

                    lol anyone who argues phase + urn + wand + roa/vanguard/drums/blademail + radiance isn't good in 24-25min is just retarded 3k trash

                    maybe one in ten games u r getting a trilane with 130 cs in 20min as spectre.....but most likely enemy has a sb or pudge waiting to gank the shit out of you while you have an es support doing absolutely nothing.

                      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                        my wife is fat

                          lol what other thread? the alchemist thread? the retarded bounty rune argument?

                          i don't know what game you are playing but even at 3k you can't have peace faming anymore as a spectre...nor do you really want to farm afk as a spectre for 20min....pick am

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                            my wife is fat

                              good cumback

                              Guy Riki

                                Aquila now gives movement and attack speed?

                                my wife is fat

                                  lol quiet 1k, quiet you.

                                  Eternal Ember

                                    Op is a 3k gamer, nevermind him😂

                                    Eternal Ember

                                      17 games ,you manage to get 3vhs bracket that skyrocketed his ego. Those normal brackets playing a retard ez hero didn't put you to vhs steadily. 3k confirmed

                                        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                        Eternal Ember

                                          Kitrak man, hope to see you at pro tourney sooner or later. 👍 Hope you make smurf so we can play haha. I was lucky to played with valhala ago. Idk if he's near 7k now. He's good at saadowfiend xd

                                          my wife is fat

                                            lol this 3k friend is funny.....sucking up to a 6k is also hilarious as fuck

                                            right, its not like i am not stomping 4.5k kids for fun.....oh wait..i am


                                              I only saw 24min radiance when the guy decided to go manta first 4Head

                                              my wife is fat

                                                guess you can't assume everyone is 4k+ and understand that 24min radiance does not equate to brown boots and a radiance....

                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                  When I played Spectre last patch (which was rare) I always made Aquila, Urn, PMS, Phase boots, Diffusal, Manta, into whatever. (Like Heart, Skadi, Butterfly, Radiance)

                                                  I didn't really like making drums on her, even though drums were op last patch. :P

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                    if you are getting a manta first why even get rad, just do the badman build with echo instead of drums.

                                                    my wife is fat

                                                      you get radiance for the evasion. manta into diffuse into radiance is really good in higher tier games. you get radiance first in shit tier because farming is harder and team fights are not as coordinated.

                                                      skadi vs heart though....i always feel heart wins out in just about any scenario...maybe not against naix or someshit...but generally its just better for spec

                                                      and i don't really like echo and its slow for spec. i don't feel spec can pick off anyone at that stage of the game

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                                                      sin blyadi

                                                        I build heart after boots of speed on spectre. ARE ME GOD OF TODA 2?


                                                          this is fucking retard post

                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                            Spectre is so last patch.
                                                            TB is back, bitches.

                                                            TB > Spectre