General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you expect about MANILA MAYOR.

What do you expect about MANILA MAYOR. in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    which teams do you think are the most likely to win ?
    TO ME:
    Newbee, MVP, LGD, VGR, EHOME, fnatic, OG and Liquid.


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Betting on liquid to hit 2nd place ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

        I would like to see Liquid winning the Tournament.


          Tnc please


            MVP most likely. Korea will rule all esports

            Dire Wolf

              whichever team arteezy is on won't win.

              ASSESS Product

                I would like to see EG win this year ti just to see Arteezy get pissed by his old teammate. I remember when I watch artezzy against sumail and other EG member(at that time rtz still in eg), Sumail saying something like this "You know what, 4 of us win a ti before".

                Dire Wolf

                  It's just weird, arteezy is definitely good, an amazing player, but something about chemistry with his teams is lacking. His teams always do worse when he arrives and better when he leaves, whether it's EG, secret, EG again. We will see.

                  Idk if EG is going to be that good though. I thought their chemistry was when fear and sumail were playing off each other as the mid and carry. Fear is still taking the 4 spot as far as I can tell. Idk if aui can carry enough, I have no idea. Also you can't easily replace universe. Though fear was one of the best supporters at Shaghai, along with puppy and pieliedie.

                  So that said secret might be amazing cus universe is so good.

                  Dire Wolf

                    But at the end of the day I think OG is a lot of fun to watch, I'd probably root for them with EG a close second. No idea who will win though. But it won't be navi or alliance, I'm sure of that. Complexity could be a dark horse if they don't draft like retards again.


                      The Mayor of Manila is Joseph Estrada. And I don't expect anything from him.


                        Lol azro


                          I also expect Joseph estarada to be reelected as MANILA MAYOR


                            Yeah, he has only 2 months more on his duty. Vote Joseph Estrada!

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