General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy MMR is accurate representation of your skills.

Why MMR is accurate representation of your skills. in General Discussion

    2.5 Years ago, I calibrated 3.8k on my this account, which I used to troll in most of the games I play (courier feed, force staff prank, abandon), pretty much all stuffs you can expect in early days of dota 2 (2011 - 2013). I am from SEA so most of the servers I played at that time were on eu west east, us west east with at least 250ms.

    When SEA server and ranking were introduced, I calibrated at 3.8k, and couple of lose streaks with unfortunate electric cut (dumpstered to low prio) and I got into 3.5k. Approx 20 days after ranking was introduced, I decided to create smurf as I felt I didnt deserve to be 3.8k or 3.5k at all (i have been playing dota 2 since 2005).

    I played mainly offlane cores in my smurf, and I calibrated easily @ 4.29k on solo mmr, and now it is sitting at 5.5k. With so many smurfs and account buyers in 5k bracket, I decided to raise my old account mmr (3.5k) to prove that if you are 5k players, you can definitely reach to your true mmr bracket.

    Some info on my smurf (which is my main account now). Before 2016, I reached 4.5k highest, and dropped to 3.6k lowest, and kept rolling between 3.8k-4.3k. I don't play meta heroes, I play heroes that are unpopular like Riki, mirana (roam), venomancer (off), sand king (off), tide, kotl. I never watched my own replay, I hardly amended my mistakes. I flamed teammates very hard. How did i reach 5.5k in just 2 mth? I watch my replay, learn all my mistakes and analyze all my bad plays and try not to repeat them. I started to use quickcast, macro like rune spot, lane spot. Within 2 mths, I went from 3.8k [6.85] -> 5.5k [6.86] when people were spamming spectre, od, invoker. I played none of them but riki, veno, sk, lc, and tide hunter.

    So, 2 months ago I started to play my old account which I abandoned 2.5 years ago.


    3.5k MMR - > 4.92k MMR easily.

    So, what's the pt?

    stop making smurfs, get gud and you can eventually climb and reach your desired MMR.

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        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem


          6.7k US = 4k SEA.

          you serious?

            Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

              tinker spammer - checked
              ember spammer - checked
              storm spammer - checked
              od spammer - checked

              wr 44% winrate - checked
              ta 47% winrate - checked

              6.7k mmr in US east/west is a joke.

              24 Matches Played
              50.00% Winrate
              2.19 KDA

              ASSESS Product

                So your point is its ok to smurf once? I also troll a lot on this acc. Maybe i should make new smurf to know my true mmr?


                  Smoke Screen doesn't work on towers.

                  Swap Commends

                    " play heroes that are unpopular like Riki"
                    I stopped reading


                      How comes all your games b4 2k16 are normal skill when u was 3,8k?




                          SEA BrokeBack :P


                            Did this cancer try and call someone else a spammer when all he plays is riki?


                              ROFL good shit xD


                                Mentosman42 is normal skill scrub.

                                stop talking.

                                yeah, riki isn't even popular and not even meta heroes. but i can climb mmr with him easily.

                                why? i dont play meta heroes, i play heroes i like, and thats the reason of gaming, you play what you like and get gud. not spam meta heroes.



                                  I was the first few batch that got the dota 2 beta keys. I had to play with 250ms in europe/us servers and I trolled in most of my games. Back in the day u can spam 50 couriers, drop teammates item, ultra feed and you wont be penalized much. I spent lots of games in low prio.

                                  I still calibrated 3.8k solo and 4k party.

                                  ASSESS Product

                                    Riki is kinda meta now since the nerf of gem, tower true sight range and also echo saber is so good on him too.


                                      @Look at me, I am captain once

                                      no, my pt is , you dont even need to play smurf.

                                      As u can see, i have reached 5.5k in my smurf, and when i played my old account which i abandoned, i easily climbed back to 5k.

                                      So the point is, its better you spend more time analyzing your replay, mistakes, wrong calls, wrong decisions, and learning mechanics (basic dispel, strong dispel, all kinds of other skill interactions, attack types etc), as well as studying all heroes (learn the ins and outs of the heroes). When you are really equipped with all the dota2 essentials, you can easily outplay your opponents.

                                      For instance, I play lots of riki because i love him, whether he is strong or not i still play (pre 6.87 riki is basically shit tier). How i improve my riki gameplay? I analyze how my opponents place their sentries, and figure out all positions that I can best place my sentry to deward etc, and also learn how to avoid dust gank, or aggressive zoning with dust. I download almost all of my games and watch the replay, essentially analyzing all the mistakes / bad moves / bad calls that I made.

                                      as you can see , SEA is one of the most toxic region, with lots of griefers who quit and kept cursing as long as they felt you are shiet. but i dont care, I care most about how i play and how can i win the game and this is the reason I can carry most of my games. I dumpstered lots of top 50 in SEA leaderboard, including former mineski kuku (now in TNC), a match which I had 23-0-15 as Riki pos 3.


                                        Please stop making smurfs! Im a doto 1 player. My god i hate smurfs


                                          @Look at me. I'm captain now

                                          I have sent feedback to OSfrog on 6.86 riki and how to improve him further, and got his favorable reply.

                                          In 90% of my games, my teammates would trashtalk my riki pick but 90% of the time, I just carried those games and made them quiet.

                                          Still, 99% of riki players do not have clue how to play riki. In 6.87 riki is a lot better but still, its not in the meta due to people not playing him right (going power treads instead of tranquil is stupid, as riki lacks hp regen, armor, and movement speed in early game, which tranquil perfectly compensates).

                                          the buff on riki (add 40 dmg to all lvls on blink strike), better cast pt on tricks of the trade finetuned riki even more to make him viable pos 3 in competitive scene.

                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



                                              im a suck riki player then


                                                Yep ^ yep


                                                  Ur so entitled while being super bad it's pretty funny tbh


                                                    Is this phantom riki's main account?


                                                      @LUL, lmao your reasoning skills are utter trash. First of all, the top players of a region =/= the average skills of a region.

                                                      Take this for example, the average academic performance of Singapore is much higher than the dumbfucks from America, yet America produces more academic prodigies than Singapore. The reason being if 1 in 1,000 Singaporeans turns out to be a prodigy, and only 1 in 100,000 Americans turns out to be a prodigy, America still produces more because of their sheer population (all you country hilly billies fucking like bunnies).

                                                      There is no evidence that that sea is weaker NOR stronger than other regions. The only thing is bunch of egoists like you going 'lul my region is btr cuz leaderboards and pro teams", uhhh no?


                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon


                                                        Waiting for kitrak's response like it's the new episode of my fav tv show.


                                                          As someone who has played thousands of games in South America and now over 500 in NA I think it's pretty obvious that some regions are stronger than others


                                                            yeah but theres no evidence SEA is weaker than NA when there isn't a significant pool of players that have experienced both.

                                                            the only regions you can honestly compare are NA to EU because there exists players who have equal ping to both of them and play on both

                                                            Besides, if a region has a drastically higher MMR ceiling than others, it actually implies that the region on AVERAGE is easier. Which do you think is harder? Scoring a 100/100 for some random highschool paper or getting a 90/100 for an exam in Harvard? Go figure.

                                                            i'm getting tired of region elitists and lmao the most irritating ones are the 2k - 3k trash going how their region is better, whats ur point ur still a shit player

                                                            there is no proof sea is stronger nor is it weaker and bringing up top teams is a bad way of going about it

                                                            top =/= average

                                                            and the elitists are definitely people who belong at the average

                                                            EDIT: I mean look at this guy can't even achieve 5k but its ok he tells himself he's better than others cuz of region


                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              if a region has a drastically higher MMR ceiling than others, it actually implies that the region on AVERAGE is easier. Which do you think is harder? Scoring a 100/100 for some random highschool paper or getting a 90/100 for an exam in Harvard? Go figure.

                                                              No it does not imply and that comparison is extremely bad


                                                                To put it another way, if SEA mmr was truly largely weaker than NA/EU, we'd have MMR farmers building up MMR here and selling it on NA/EU.

                                                                There is literally no justification whatsoever than NA/EU>SEA yet somehow this mindset is rampant despite no factual evidence.

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  EDIT: I mean look at this guy can't even achieve 5k but its ok he tells himself he's better than others cuz of region


                                                                  Now when did I say or imply something like that?

                                                                  Actually you may not bother answering that because this

                                                                  Scoring a 100/100 for some random highschool paper or getting a 90/100 for an exam in Harvard? Go figure.

                                                                  comparison pretty clearly shows you have no idea how logic works.

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    I play in EU every day and I can tell that it's garbage (mostly because of Russians; shame to admit that). So this theory "4k EU = 6k SEA" is total bullshit.


                                                                      You implied you agreed with Kitrak.

                                                                      If I interpreted that wrongly, then I apologize and thank you for not being one of the simple minded masses.


                                                                        Lmfao simple minded masses

                                                                        You're a special snowflake aren't you



                                                                          I have no idea why you guys insist that is a horrible comparison. It is a fact that the easier the average, the easier it is to come out on top when you actually try to. Whether or not that highschool example is crappy or not is irrelevant to this line that I will repeat again:

                                                                          "It is a fact that the easier the average, the easier it is to come out on top."

                                                                          That is why you have athletes hopping to other countries because they couldn't succeed in their own country. Argueing against this is what I would then call an example of not understanding how logic works.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            literally sano, you are not giving any evidence to imply na/eu>sea and all you're doing is directing attacks on me lmao


                                                                              I never said it is lol

                                                                              Just pointing it out that theres not any evidence for the opposite and how your argumentation is terrible

                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                If one region has higher MMR ceiling than the other it just implies that it has more players. Or does normal distribution work some other way is SEA/NA/whatever?

                                                                                Besides there are, how many, about 20 or so 8k+ players in the world atm? How can you talk about MMR ceiling as a factor of smth with so few players forming that ceiling in the first place? Miracle went on a 322 winning streak, gained 9k and thus made EU region weaker than the others BrokeBack

                                                                                Comparison of school paper/Harvard paper is shit because Harvard paper is way harder than a school paper by default and those are basically two completely different things. Dota is the same in any region, and patch is the same everywhere.