General Discussion

General DiscussionHave you encountered this? :O

Have you encountered this? :O in General Discussion
    Look at my team's Sladar,WK,CK

    Basically those accounts are use to feed the enemy team then tried to stomp us.

    2v4 and still win

    Order Of Chaos

      nice dude well played jakiro

      ASSESS Product

        Tactical feed.

        Anyway, why enemy buy heart when they already have lifesteal?


          I feel so tempted to watch the replay. I've no idea how you guys managed to win.


            Last hits in that game are abysmal, as well as the other team's builds. No wonder you won, other team was braindead.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Was it a low priority game? Cus I've had two games like that in low priority

              ASSESS Product

                Just realised it was single draft. If you're playing low prior, i will do the same thing like them bcoz... idk the reason lol but just didnt like to waste my time in lp.


                  SE ASIA SE ASIA
                  SE ASIA SE ASIA
                  SE ASIA SE ASIA

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                  Swap Commends

                    I just say in thing.
                    GOOD FUCKING JOB.
                    And make sure to mute them & dodge them next games

                    NOT GOOD ENOUGH

                      Why everyone mst think that I'm in LP?
                      Single draft is fun tbh

                      and yeah they're all braindead players haha

                      Dire Wolf

                        uh lycan 2 cs/min? wtf no wonder you won cus killing level 9 heroes is less gold than farming by far.