General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for support players

Question for support players in General Discussion

    So I wanna be a good support, do you usually prioritize to buy the 4 wards in inventory over your items?

    Say you wanna build mek or dagger or anything like that cause my supps in games sometimes do this...

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        Wards, sentries, dust, gem, courier, flying courier, smoke is ur priority, even if you are 50 gold away from getting a mek, staff or anything u buy that stuff first.

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        Guy Riki

          How do you know which hero is support?


            Because im still a are vhs.

            Course you say im stupid.


              Both options are legit. Sometimes you win as a selfless support, sometimes you win by greed.

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              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                Welcome to Dotabuff! Where VHS players always bully the normal skill players

                And also, opinion is not allowed (you'll only recieve reply like 'your only normal skill why should i bother listening to you') against VHS players unless you're VHS yourself.



                  Yeah! Grab the Observers x2 followed by the courier, pass 1 Obs to the offlane and one to the midlaner. Pass 2 tangoes to the mid if he needs (most likely though). Babysit your carry, pray your carry is competent, stack the camps during downtime for your carry to flashfarm (sven etc.) always tp support when your team mates need the numbers, you never know that extra body in the fight might be enough to turn the fight and maybe a tower or two. I like to get Mek with all my support heroes, but recently i've just been spamming Oracle, so no matter how dumb my carry is, i can still save him 90% of the time, but of course there is a no skill in dota that can cure stupidity (as you can tell i have a huge problem with ppl who pick carries who cant carry at all hahahaha).

                  support is fun... when you win.

                  Find yoiur favorite support hero and just remember some key points. SEE YOU IN VHS SOON!

                  ASSESS Product

                    Remember, in early game, never steal your carry creep in lane. Your only farm is only from pulling creep into nc spawn or from assist gold. But if i were carry, sometime i will let my support get the range creep (depend though if he never try to steal the last hit or never buy any ward)


                      ^No, carry must get all lane creeps and jungle creeps when you pull (if he can do both).

                      By playing greedy you commit to something like Iron Talon and spend some time in jungle when your carry is strong enough to stay in lane alone. Or you try to get so called "catch-up" Midas.

                      ASSESS Product

                        Whenever my support pull the creep, the enemy creep is already in my tower so i need to defend it frst. But dun worry, the enemy never rush to me even i got like half of hp.

                        Edit: I play a lot of support before. So I kinda sympathy to them when i ask them to buy ward/sentry but they said they dun have enough gold. Like I said early, i sometime give them range creep if they're doing their role properly.

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                          M1YONG PAPLO

                            what a trash


                              A forum is to discuss... i use this forum to improve..because im a noob I ASKED...havent u met a player who do things wrong at YOUR level? I think I did right cause I asked...

                              Well this forum is for me to learn...but u treated me like this I dunno whats wrong with ue many people didnt improve and actually wanna ask in forums?


                                i hv no idea how normal skill player tell another normal skill player to improve in gameplay ... kappa



                                    well you dont have to get all the wards though, just get some basic item like wand and boot then go gank mid or other lane if possible ? so you will get extra money for wards and stuff

                                    Eternal Ember

                                      Seems legit😀 why ask this question if your gameplay is 1st position 90% of your game's.


                               want to improve as a dota player?

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                                            Wards should never be in stock


                                              Im a nerd but im good looking God is fair

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                                                Magbalugtong Jr.

                                                  balance it out. supporting is not really all just warding the map.
                                                  - know when to pull, dont just pull bec its what pro players do. (dont mess up with the creep eqlbruim)
                                                  - clock management, Clock the Rosh, Clock opponents Ultimate cooldown, rune check, stack if possible
                                                  - if u are a ganking support (lion, rub, bara, disruptor etc.) GANK! dont just sit in ur carry's lane to leech exp
                                                  - harass the enemy offlaner
                                                  - MAP AWARENESS (have a tp in ur inventory ALWAYS)

                                                  i guess those are the basics, see? warding is not just what supports do thats why I salute supports more

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                                                    I realize its hatd to chain pull does that i mean i can do alternative like stacking and then letting neutrals kill the single wave?

                                                    Magbalugtong Jr.

                                                      yes, if u are not that good yet in chain pulling. stack it first and let the neutral kill a wave of creeps. (make sure the neutral creep kill ur creep bec if u deny it and the offlaner is near he can still get the exp)


                                                        Ty for your inputs guys


                                                          learn all support hero and always pick support that suit team. example : if all ur fucking team is physical carry go pick opomniknight. if your team doesnt have initiator pick lion, etc.

                                                          and dont die too much as support except if you are saving carry ass
                                                          i always find support who always ward but feeding as fuck~

                                                          Good Luck as support. Support that idiot team to win~


                                                            I may not be VHS but as a support, it really depends. I would usually prioritize wards etc especially if I'm using a support hero who already has healing/aura abilities. You'll get assist gold to buy items like mek later on if you prioritize "hard support" items in the first place anyway. Also, you can talk to a teammate. If you really need an item like pipe or mek, im sure another hero in your team would be able to farm it or would be better off carrying it. Like say tide. Lastly imo, if youre the most qualified in the team to get such an item, maybe you could prioritize that first and ask wards or sod from your teammates every now and then if your team really needs that item. Im sure theyd understand that (unless youre in f*cking SEA server) Its all about teamwork.


                                                              Wards take priority over blink dagger unless a blink or other item would have a bigger, more positive game impact for your team than wards, which is rare. If you are playing support Magnus and blink wins your team the game then blink takes priority over wards. Have a teammate buy the wards.

                                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                Wards. It's not that expensive. It's literally worth one last hit now and I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped the ward price to 50 in the near-future.
                                                                Think about this: every 6 minutes wards go off, You only really need to buy about 6 - 12 wards per game (depending on a zeus and dewards of course that number can go higher) Let you say you buy 10 wards in a game you win. First off, 10 wards/6 minutes each, 10 * 6 = 60 minutes of warding, though usually you have wards set up around the same time with a 1 - 2 minute difference. So, let's say 10 wards are bought all game, that is just 650 gold.
                                                                Why am I making this difficult? :laugh:

                                                                Just buy wards and smoke, smoke is your best friend (coming from a stoner), but you do get that blink if it'll change the game drastically.

                                                                I had a game as cm that I turned around, I was 60 gold away from bkb, and I could have bought a ward, but I just finished my bkb (while I was dead), bought a tp, saw the enemy pushing as 5 at mid. I instantly tp'd mid while I respawned and bkb+ult'd, as my bkb went off AA shot respawned and shot his ult, then my ult took them out and I got a rampage, and that totally changed the game and we actually won.

                                                                It's all decision-making honestly, but 80% of the time utility is what you go for.


                                                                  In sea you actually have to support carry players who buy radiance on a heto but still brown boots...


                                                                    "Support the idiot carries." XD

                                                                    Heard that a lot


                                                                      Yeah. wards over items if you are a hard support.