General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does ursa's winrate improved with 6%??

Why does ursa's winrate improved with 6%?? in General Discussion

    I have seen no changes to him in 6.87 so i am just wondering how this happened...? Does i misunderstood the roshan changes?


      Right after 6.87 came out Ursa's Winrate dropped massively. I think it was something like an 8% drop. This was probably because people didn't adapt to the Rosh changes right away. Its gone up about 6% now that people are accounting for the rosh changes. So ultimately his winrate dropped about 2% from the change.

      Dire Wolf

        his win rate dropped 6% wtf are you talking about? And it's cus of rosh changes, he gets way less levels from early solo rosh.

        oh it went down then up? i don't follow that closely, I thought he was over 60% in 6.86 I guess I was wrong. only dropped about 3% overall.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Maybe abyssal changes, wind lace


            His E damage was one stack too slow for a couple of days. (15/20/25/30 less damage per hit).

            Livin' Real Good

              Well yeah, most noobs had trouble taking rosh down after the super rosh buffs, and they were probably failing with new items on him, and trying dumb stuff like Echo Saber, now they probably learned a thing or two about the new patch.


                Overpower and fury swipes were bugged and now they're both fixed.

                Magbalugtong Jr.

                  Maybe because in players in pub games don't clock the rosh well.