General Discussion

General DiscussionViper 6.87

Viper 6.87 in General Discussion
ASSESS Product

    Had anyone tried viper deso yet?


      No but I think that deso is kinda useless on him, I am rarely in a situation, where i would be in need for much damage on him, building him tanky is usually far more effective, so I would rather buy skadi on him

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        *him.... It works well but there are better options. Blight stone very giod early on


          I actually got triggered by calling Viper her. I does he sound female in any way?


            Viper is one of the slowest heroes in Dota. Usually people build tank items on Viper so that it can stay long in the teamfight to deal the damage. If you get deso, you would have to skip tank items; then you would feed a lot.


              i bought it and won with it just for the novelty value but i also got an orb of venom so probably not a lot ot learn there :)

              Dire Wolf

                I tried a safe lane solo viper last night so we could have roaming pudge and duo offlane. It ended up being a total stomp.

                But I think viper has potential if you max out nethertoxin first, but I wouldn't go deso. I'd go aquila, dragon lance and silver edge. Dragon lance is super easy build up and has great stats for cost. You can upgrade into hurricane later like a poor mans blink or escape and kit melees more. Silver edge is just awesome now for the stats and ganking on a hero like viper. The downside is you will completely out range your ult with dragon lance, but whatever, just ult people that come close to you. Aquila was buffed pretty nicely for agility heroes too.

                And then s&y was upgraded a bit for ranged, that might be good on him too. Finish it off with a skadi maybe and you have a super tanky viper with good right click. Just a lvl 12 viper with silver edge, aquila and lance has over 1600 hp.

                If you want armor reduction AC is obviously very good late, but I think medallion is better than deso. 1/3rd the cost, same armor reduction to stack with nether toxin. No dmg obviously but would you rather have dragon lance + medallion + 400g or deso? Or you could get a yasha + medallion for around the same.

                Pale Mannie

                  SnY Skadi for maximum AIDS and ebola

                  SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                    ^Do dae stark? xD

                    ASSESS Product

                      Ty guys for the tips. I'm just thinking if viper might good with deso since his frst skill no longer attack modifier and blight stone in early game might annoying enemy in lane. But i think i will skip deso like @Dire Wolf said, his nethertoxin is already enough.


                        You rape towers with deso, won't be a tier one standing.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I havent tried deso, I'm 100% theorycrafting.

                          A s&y skadi viper would slow you like none other.

                          Posion spit 40 slow, corresive skin 25 slow, skadi is 35 move speed, 45 attack speed, s&y on ranged is 13.

                          So that's 113% move slow, I'm pretty sure you'll be slowed to max 100 with that. Idk exactly how reduction formula works.

                          Attack speed is just a subtraction from your normal IAS. So subtract 123. That's more than a moon shard.

                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                            deso is trash on 90% of the heroes including viper, build skadi, win game, if you want an armor reduction so much there is ac, medalions and stuff

                              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                              I'm on the right team

                                tank item for me, that passive is so imba.

                                Welt aus Eis

                                  Vipers gender depends on ur mother tongue mostly tbh

                                  In portuguese it's she because viper is a feminine word

                                  Ursas also a she in portuguese because it's the feminine for bear

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    the names are authored in english and they are he's in the bios dude....


                                      Life steal is the best... get some mana regen and done

                                      Viper is male

                                      HOD manta dragon lance bkb ROA

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        Vlads already worked on Viper, the lifesteal was only so so. He doesn't get huge crits, it's sustained damage over time so it's better to go Vlads and Skadi than mek and desolator.

                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                          Get phase boots so you don't move like a slug.