General Discussion

General DiscussionGanjah + Dota

Ganjah + Dota in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    Why does this edible plant, and this amazing computer game go hand in hand? It is great to combine both, the brain tickling sensation with the frustrating headache simulator.

    Combine the two and you get laughs for hours each day.

    :heart: :heart: Sorry guys. Bowls and Dota is the life :heart: :heart:

    I hope you can feel what I feel, cuz it feels goooood :blush:


      Actually...taking it before playing dota is good..
      Base on my exp.

      Blazing a small amount can make me play better


        Nvm, we chew tobaco leaves here.

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          @Jang Man Soo
          Yeah, I have a bowl before I play (or during first queue) and then I am chillllllll


            not being blazed all the time
            fucking plebs

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Everyone blazed all the time


                actualy i am not playing without weed

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Can't play without weed. Well, you can, but it's not the same,


                    Im pretty sure u guys are the jews that make me rage every 2nd game

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      May be, may be not :happy:



                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          I think I know why sea servers are so frustrating!!!
                          Like 90% of them DO NOT SMOKE ganjah!!!

                          EVERYONE SOUND THE ALARMS! Let's fight to make herb legal in their countries! :stunned: :stunned: :stunned:


                            i am high as fuck every game :))

                            saturday night <3 blaze it

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            Not Trying!

                              Lol.. playing in sea when high is difficult coz this mofos r so sharp.. I actually play better without it, but hell wjat is dota without sum greens..


                                I usually crank the vape up before a game or two, but in all honesty Im just not as aware when im high af. I do have great games as well though, but I think playing sober is best for sure.


                                  2016, people still doing drugs instead of buying a house, studying, or establishing careers. Rofl, fucking plebs.

                                  Welt aus Eis

                                    i dont do drugs but how is casually smoking a joint gonna stop you from doing any of those havoc? lol



                                        @Havoc thats a bit of an uneducated, ignorant opinion mate. I am 27, own my own house and a nice car, I have a degree and a diploma and have never had issues with marijuana wrecking my life, like some of these ridiculous government funded ad campaigns will have you believe. Unsuccessful people are not necessarily unsuccessful solely because they do drugs as your comment would have us believe. There are so many factors at play when studying human behavior that pointing even just a fraction of blame at one specific behavior is completely irrational.

                                        A comment like yours just shows how little the average person knows about drugs in general. Do you realise that the death rate of overdosing on prescribed pharmaceuticals has increased around 2.8 fold over the last 10 years and since 2001 over 25k people have died from prescribed drugs? Now please tell me how many have died because of marijuana? But because marijuana is illegal you believe it is bad and that people cannot do any of the things you have mentioned because they use it?

                                        My god, some people have know idea how much influence money and large corporations have over the very laws you are living by every day. Try understanding WHY something is bad instead of just believing it is bad because you have been told so.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          @Havoc Ahhh yes, the dream. To go to university and "establish" a career and spend the rest of your life working 9-5 paying off that mortgage of yours. Keep being content in that slave world of yours.

                                          Welt aus Eis

                                            ^ ur mentality is way more stupid than his