General Discussion


TERRORBLADE BUFFS in General Discussion

    Metamorphosis no longer increases Base Attack Time
    Conjure Image damage taken reduced from 425% to 400%Metamorphosis no longer increases Base Attack Time
    Conjure Image damage taken reduced from 425% to 400%Metamorphosis no longer increases Base Attack Time
    Conjure Image damage taken reduced from 425% to 400%Metamorphosis no longer increases Base Attack Time
    Conjure Image damage taken reduced from 425% to 400%Metamorphosis no longer increases Base Attack Time
    Conjure Image damage taken reduced from 425% to 400%Metamorphosis no longer increases Base Attack Time
    Conjure Image damage taken reduced from 425% to 400%Metamorphosis no longer increases Base Attack Time
    Conjure Image damage taken reduced from 425% to 400%Metamorphosis no longer increases Base Attack Time
    Conjure Image damage taken reduced from 425% to 400%



      just try him, hes still squishy as before


        6.87 vanguard and dragon lance make him viable imho


          calling 1-800-matrice

          me, government hooker

            Metamorphosis no longer increases Base Attack Time
            what does this mean


              hes normal bat is 1.5 and with Metamorphosis 1.6, what a buff LUL

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                well thats a nice dps boost

                Pale Mannie

                  6 TERRORBLADES

                  Dire Wolf

                    dude it's not much of a buff, but tb is also not as bad a hero as people think


                      I want to see matrice try his jungle TB again, with the increase in armor and HP and now the reduced illusion damage taken.


                        It literally means in a 20 second long team fight you get off 2 more auto attacks in your metaform, he already had 1.5 in his base form.

                        It also means your illusions take about 5% less damage in raw terms. Eg Dragon Slave would previously do 1020 damage after 25% magic resist, now it does 960 damage (ie 60/1020 = ~5%). A Hellbear smasher would previously do 221 damage to an illusion with an auto attack, now it does 13 less - 208 (13/221 = ~5%).

                        At early levels it does absolutely nothing. A level 8 TB illusion with treads/aquila on 780hp previously had effective HP of 183, now it's 195, 12 extra hp at a point in time when magic damage is at it's strongest, and all the other carries already have aquila/phase/treads etc, so the extra hp is already negated by picked up items.

                        Even in the late game a 2500 hp illusion would previously have an effective HP of 588. It now has an effective hp of 625 - ie +37hp. Not even 2 extra points of strength. Compare that to his pre-nerfing 300% level - a 2500hp illusion had 833 effective hp (+208 compared to now).

                        Lifestealer just got the equivalent of a plus 300hp (and 15 damage) by level 25 buff. If TB would need to be reverted back to his previous damage level for his illusions to get anything like that. He is still complete shit compared to the top tier heroes of the patch.

                        milk that tastes like rea...

                          Do you know how BAT works? From 1.6 to 1.5 BAT means a 6.67% increase in attacks done, regardless of IAS.
                          Plus you're forgetting armour for illusion EHP.


                            I have never seen this hero in my bracket. Even if i have i dont remember it. Please bring this hero back.

                            SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                              Wish he had hp buff not more damn armor D:



                                TB's base form is melee which has 1.5 BAT compared to his ranged which was previously 1.6.

                                murranji's not incorrect. he's saying that in 20 seconds you'd be able to attack two times more in TB's current state while in metamorphosis compared to 6.87b.


                                  err no murranji is wrong

                                  saying you'll get to attack two more times every twenty ATTACKS makes more sense, he said seconds

                                  unless you're insisting if I build a 600ias terrorblade, he'll do 62 attacks instead of 60 attacks in twenty seconds? lmao its obvious which one sounds more off


                                    to be honest I miss my midlane max refraction terrorblade with blink abyssal

                                    i dont know which cnt at valve decided to make it aoe and weaken its single target abilities

                                    milk that tastes like rea...

                                      i feel the aoe reflection is better
                                      however before it was changed, i played matrice style i.e. skipped it entirely
                                      now i'm much more careful about when picking him, and got 15-5 with tb in 6.86, mainly going offlane to dumpster am pickers though

                                      pls know ur mechanics before writing garbage
                                      simple terms: you can get 16 attacks now compared to 15 attacks pre-patch, regardless of your IAS
                                      thx nami


                                        Yes well obviously I can't account for what items you have. That's the calculations based on just his base agility at level 25 and then rounded for convenience.


                                          just play terrorblade like my friend.


                                          blink in, sunder, dagon.

                                          [may or may not work in high skill or vhs]

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