General Discussion

General Discussionwhat determines the number of lpq games u get?

what determines the number of lpq games u get? in General Discussion

    it seems to be increasing. lol. i already have 24 single draft games. 24/166 games. damn. im getting reported a lot. 5 lpq games seems a bit much. does it just keep going up if i keep pissing noobs off? it is so much fun though...

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      "24 single draft games"
      srsly dude???
      What u have done?


        you can never win 5 LP games in row! It's impossible


          why not ? win streaks are common enough. ppl play more seriously in lpq cuz they wanna get the fk out. which is funny. but i mean. anyone has any answers? like i dont wanna be playing more than 5 the next time i get reported. im basically a total dick to my teammates. but hey, they deserve it and it gives me pleasure. i just laugh at everything they do, call them noobs, etc. really gets them going. usually its when i feel like playing hyper aggressively. i end up dying a lot. and when u r a trash talker who dies a lot, u get reported a lot.

          usually its when my teammates are like, jakiro can't mid. play ur role as a support. pisses me off when they try to control my actions. i mean why should a tinker mid over a jakiro when they are total noobs and shouldnt even care about meta? i end up feeding a lot but u know, i like proving to ppl that u can die 20+ times and still win yknow?

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            I keep my Hidden MMR around 1000, so I need five to six games to clear LPQ


              has it gone higher than 5-6? lol. i think i need to learn more subtle ways to feed without being reported.


                The last time I got LP (and applicable to every single time I got it anyway) was because "im basically a total dick to my teammates. but hey, they deserve it and it gives me pleasure.". I'm not even mocking you. I can say that I used insults beyond their families and mental status to aggravate them so they could wake up but that's not the case for every single time. The more failures I see in them the worse I became.

                Which resulted in tilt, feeding, flaming, and of course reports against me. Did they deserve what I had done? Yes, arguably. Did the actions work to wake them up and miraculously make them the "more competent" beings, at least in my particular games to win me the game? No, not a single time. Some people begged me to stop feeding their mid and carry but I refused as there was no stopping me as I had had enough. They gave up after some time. Perhaps I deserved the reports because knowing that so many insults and threats didn't work, why would they work this time?

                Btw get some competent friends to help your LP. 5-man party is somewhat more enjoyable than solo shitfest.


                  low priority is alright. its not that bad. its still dota. its just that i dont get exp which is annoying.


                    are u trolling or are u one of the scrubs I have to carry every fucking game.. nonetheless u play better than ur bracket but u should not point out that ur better than ur team since since its a team game and its not just YOUR game :3


                      ^It is easy to think that it is a team game, in fact it indeed is Radiant vs Dire game. However you must also consider that what make the teams function are the players. If you played DotA 2 enough you will eventually encounter someone who you (or sometimes your entire team) deem to be not working enough for the team. Pointing out that this is a team game just gives excuse to anyone to rightfully blame the team for any failure, which happens all the time. However some people might be missing the point that it was not an excuse to work as hard as everyone else in the team does.

                      "If you are trying to rise in MMR, you [are] trying to say you are worthy of escaping the horrible place you are at, then you have to assume that everybody else sucks." - SirActionSlacks1, 2014

                      Every single other player doesn't matter if you are climbing MMR. It will be your game if you want that magical number to increase, because none of your teammates are going to be with you few games later. It will be up to you to work your best to lead your people, help them out, take fights, pick the right draft, or to shit on them with threats, flaming, skill abuse, mic bomb. There will be game you fed 0-36-0 as AM and still won the game, and there will be game you tried your best to 2v5 or rat only to lose no matter how long the game had been dragged to. But most of the time you will be determining your own success.

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