General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR gaining rates at 2k-3k brackets

MMR gaining rates at 2k-3k brackets in General Discussion

    When I started at ranked matches my MMR was on 2300 ish, but now, I'm hitting the 3k bracket after 3 weeks (considering I can play only at saturday nights). I found 2k games to be very calm when it comes to skill management, is "easy" to play and win, but the mainly reason I lost games is because of my carry being unefficient (I play support almost always).

    I wanted to ask more experienced players, what they think about the 2k bracket and if it's "normal" to climbit up really quick?.
    I'm telling this because friends of mine who have years of dota are still stucked around 2800 - 2900 MMR points, and the are very good compared to the guys I play with at 2k.

    Thank you for taking the time to read-

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      I can confirm everything you said about 2k (with right attitude)! :D

      IMO most calm bracket to play..


        It's easy to play support and climb in this bracket. Most ppl
        Think it's hard but they just really don't bother w the basics of support. However if u only play support I doubt you'll be able to go further as u need to learn other skills. Support inefficieny is not as badly punished in 2-3k than 3k+. It is possible to get carried al the way to 3k. But higher u need to be able to make plays rather than being passive. Playing only support from 2k bracket rarely lets u learn the mechanics to outplay 3k players


          I'm currently playing 3 roles Carry, Support and Offlane (rarely I play mid with Tinker <3 ), but at ranked games my most common role is the support one, as other players don't want to do it I playit for the sake of the team. Thank you very much for your feedback guys :D, I'll make sure to play the other roles more often!

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            I think you just need to play crucial roles like No.4/5 (lane or roam support). Playing carry or mid is wanted by everybody in both your team and enemy team. So look at the enemy picks and make your choice. In that MMR bracket they do not expect you to counter. I remember my first plays on PA years ago. A juggernut countered me with mkb. I lost that match and have not played PA for a looong time. So,

            If they have a carry which needs farming a lot, pick a roam support like bounty hunter and try to gank and outfarm him. Or consider they have a carry or mid with escape capability (anti mage / tinker) just pick a counter lane support like disruptor and be sure that you support your carry and team by TPing when they have trouble in their lanes, warding, stacking and keeping your carry alive.


              Oh what a nice advice dude, I didn't see the game in that perspective, mainly because I don't roam a lot with my supports, but seeing the cases and the things you take in count it now makes much more sense to roam :d, also what I would like to know is when to roam and when to gank mid, Maybe at the 6 min mark when it is night time and most of the wards on the map go off?

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              MANANALO TAYO

                need advice from pro players what should i need to improve,im just new in dota and rarely play if i have somebody playing with me,guys help what do i need to improve? i play all kinds of roles,(jungler,safelane,mid,offlane,support,tank) help me masters :(


                  At the start I concentrated in only 1 role, which was the support/initiator one, then when I felt comfortable with my role I moved onto carrying (After watching a couple carry videos) and finally I started playing offlane.

                  My tips would be:

                  Just pick easy heroes to play with, dependig on what role you preefer. For instance : If you want to go support, pick Earthshaker, Witch Doctor and also Warlock. Remember to always have wards on your inventory and on cooldown in the shop.

                  If you go carry, you can pick: Luna, Phantom Assassin or Juggernaut, since they are easy heroes to play with.

                  They are heroes with easy mechanics, don't bother to play difficult heroes yet, just try to learn what abilities each heroe has, so that you know more about the game and how to pick properly.


                    Playing support is great and it is the easiest way to climb in all brackets except if you are 7k+. It is not a coincidence that the highest winrate heroes are usually supports such as bounty hunter and omnikghit. So keep playing support and improve at playing support. In 3k bracket the most important thing for supports would be zoning out the offlaner and ganking in addition to all the other warding w/e. Pulling amd stacking comes in 2nd place at the 3k bracket in most scenarios.

                    Livin' Real Good

                      All of my friends who are 5K or 6K all happen to play support. lol

                      When you think about it, it makes sense why most of them are the highest MMR people I know.

                      1. Playing support is an advantage in itself (sad to say) when you play support, you go into every game never worrying that you're gonna get a team of full cores. Vause not every game people are going to pick a support, that goes for the OTHER TEAM as well, so that then becomes an advantage for when you look at it from a broad perspective, like 100+ games you will be supporting every game, no worries.

                      2. You actually go into every game ENJOYING the support role, so you're not one of those salty pricks who do a shitty job at supporting cause they wanted to play carry, but were "forced" to play support. The type of salty supports who build core items anyways, rush ags, never ward, rage at you when you ask for wards, even if you ask nicely, yeah, those kind.

                      3. Support is the hardest position believe it or not, you learn so much about positioning and other mechanics alone from playing it, probably the hardest at higher level, cause you'll be the easy squishy target everyone goes after for fun.

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                        tell that to yhe farming potato heads of 8k.. I think no supp reached 8k except for saksa

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                          get mid and play carry, thats how