General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you play Disruptor?

How do you play Disruptor? in General Discussion

    its gud, but ur flaw maybe cuz ur lack of gank and bad positioning at teamfight.


      That is the build you want to go for if you are pos 5. If you play solo lane support, I would say 2-2-1-1 but you can experiment with maxing 1, it deals quite a lot of damage early. Aghanim is core item.


        When I play disruptor, I often max out glimpse because it is so useful to catch fleeing enemies. Sometimes I max first to spam more nukes.


          Wtf you do everything for your team to lose.
          You should uninstall


            lol you mean? @HANGYOURSELVESBRAINDEADKIDS

            I like the damage Q gives but 300+ mana pool early game seems to be a bit too costly to keep the spell up doesn't it?


              For a ranged hero with pretty decent range on spells you're really trying hard to die if you're dying that much as disruptor.
              I don't understand your aghs rush over mobility and defensive items, an AOE doom is great, sure but no use getting it after the game ends.
              That said, supporting isn't easy. You need positioning, map awareness and good judgement because you'll be blown up 30 mins into the game.

              Pale Mannie


                  As a rare disruptor picker I can give you few tips:

                  1- Skillbuild: q-w-w-e-w-r-w, you can vary from here depending if you need more lockdown from e or more damage from q, if you're vs slark or some other scaping hero I recommend maxing e before q. You can start with w instead of q if you can get a first blood with it, otherwise it is usually better starting with q so you can trade better with offlaners.

                  2- Itembuild: doesnt matter much since hes easily one of the best heroes in the game without items, given all of his spells have 0 castpoint and all of the have a pretty good range. I usually get arcane boots and then you can go for aether lens for even more range, or go whatever item your team needs (mek, pipe), force staff, blink. If enemy has natural bkb builders you can start working on your aghanim as your first item so you get it on a decent timing.

                  3- General tips: - Get wards near enemy towers so you see people tping in and then sneak in for a glimpse and send them back to base.
                  - Same thing if your team is engaging in a teamfight near enemies towers, make sure you glimpse whoever is tping to help.
                  - Kinetic field gives vision around it, so you can use it to scout ward spots or whatever you need it for.
                  - When you do the glimpse into field + storm combo, you should use your e before your R, so you have more chances to catch them inside the field. I've seen a lot of people trying to do the combo the wrong way and they fail most of the times.
                  - Last tip: When doing this combo, you should also use ur q first to get vision of the enemy and then glimpse him 4 seconds after you used your q.

                  Sorry for my english, i know its weak :(


                    Last thing, remember your spells have 0 cast point, so if you ever get initiated by the enemy just throw your field + storm before you die and hopefully your team gets a good trade for your death.


                      Thanks LeFlash, I don't quite get the cast point though, does it mean lower number = lower animation time? (Aside from my bad choices for positioning disruptor in front of the war because 322 and overexcited to right click) Any ganking tips specifically for disruptor?

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                        ^ Have you noticed how some heroes like Earthshaker, Ogre Magi and specially Jakiro do some dumb shit animation before launching a spell? ES lifting the totem, Ogre moving his club around and Jakiro just struggling to get his breaths out? How long those animations last is a heroe's cast point.

                        Most heroes have a cast point of 0.3 seconds, meaning that's how much it takes them to launch the spell from the moment they cast it, to the moment they throw it. Disruptor having 0 cast point means his spells are cast instantaneusly after you click. No dumb animation to disrupt himself (ironically...or not).


                          Ganking tips... ?! Well the definition of ganking says it all, u need to use smoke and come from fow, preferably with another teammate and kill the enemy midder or or enemy safelaner (considering u come from your safelane). But u do this only if your carry has space to farm and doesn't require your permanent babysit. The idea is to leave the safelane and try to gank, after lvl 3, and when the enemy creep wave is at your tower (so your carry is safe, and you can dump him for a little while), to achieve that you should stack+pull.


                            Thank you Kobby, normal skill pleb here who's still quite new to Dota 2 even after 800+ games

                            ♏mikeeCS ツ

                              As a distruptor-main hero-player,
                              What I can suggest is :
                              u have long cast range for almost all your spell,
                              And even quite long attack range.

                              Sometime I jump in middle of war just for mekansm-ing, pipe-ing or dust-ing...

                              So basically don't die too much (I still learn for it), stay back in the back of team fight and support ur carry from long range....

                              Fyi I got a lot of first blood because take kinetic field first.
                              I see enemy trying to take first bounty.
                              I with my 2 or 3 team hide in fog.
                              Then surprise!!!
                              We got first blood....


                                @the castpoints, its pretty much what Zano said, disruptor has no animation on his spells, all you have to worry about is the turn rate of your hero but thats not a big deal unless there is a batrider stacking napalm on you.
                                Rubik also has 0 cast point or very little like 0.1, I guess this might be a reason I loved playing this heroes when I started dota and I still love them.

                                About ganking, the more points on glimpse you have the more potential for a gank you have as long as you can land your combo. Just stay in the fog and whenver you see a lone hero out of position, mark in your head you have 4 seconds to glimpse him so you make him return to the exact same place you first saw him. Im sorry Im so bad at explaining because of my english, but i hope you get what i say.


                                  Yes, I do. Just lost another game with Disruptor haha need to work a lot on this hero I suppose


                                    Watch my recent disruptor game
                                    You will learn a lot about proper positioning, when to initiate fights and to adapt to skillbuilds.
                                    Hope that will help you to be a better disruptor player!


                                      Amazing hero man really dumpsters everything without farm. Disruptor punishes heroes that rely on mobility. Always a decent pick, just perfect other times.


                                        Thanks blueflames, definitely downloading that game.

                                        sdfhasojf, I realized that when disruptor was played against me, I find his skillset is terribly annoying to play against.

                                        LeFLash, your English is fine (non native speaker here too). Thanks for the tips

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                                          Tell me how well you improve and let me know if you're doing good!

                                          ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                            @322 imo you better make linken i/o aghanim.
                                            the LC own the game so I guess you died a lot bcos invis LC then dueled at you.