General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone enlighten me what this guy really mean?

Can someone enlighten me what this guy really mean? in General Discussion

    Hey bro. This might be a Pandora box to you but ill share what i know. First of all I'm just 3.7k in solo but 4.9kPT. Even tho my skill level is way more above than this 3k shit tier i wont get 5k by just playing ranked for 20straight games winning.
    Have you ever heard the 50% winrate? I think you already did or not doesnt matter ill explain this to you. Whenever you win, obviously your winrate increases but! Whenever you play another game after the game you won, the system is going to give you teammates with lower winrate than you and a chance of higher winrate enemies or just even winrate of your team. Even tho both factions have even winrate, there's a chance you will lose most likely. Why? Because you have 50% + winrate and your teammates are 40%+ and thats the reason why you lose because of these 40% winrate scrubs.
    Now, to avoid losing streak. Check your winrate in your dotabuff profile, if you're above 50-51% winrate. Trust me don't play ranked. Play unranked amd wait till you get like 48-49% and that's the time you play ranked again. Why? Because the system will pair you to players who have 50%+ winrate.
    I hope what i typed made sense.
    English is not my first language im sorry.

    by :rLt.™

    How real is this statement or at least, what's your opinion about this?


      utter garbage


        there is not even a small chance that forced 50% winrate mechanics does exist. MM is not based on previous performance of the players, and only considers their rating (some argue that beh. score is accounted, too, but i dont believe that, even tho i admit i can be wrong about it; but not about forced wr).

        however, most players are likely to have about 50% winrate for other reasons - MM just tries to make the teams fairly even in mmr and u roughly win half of ur matches unless ur initial rating was incorrect due to some reason.


          not how it works.. tried it but still destroyed brackets which are lower than my main

          Eternal Meow

            The more you win, the higher your mmr goes up. Even in unranked, the hidden mmr goes up. The higher your mmr goes the better your opponents should become and your odds of losing should go up too.

            I don't know if it puts bad win rate people with good win rate people on purpose. It's supposed to be using mmr to match up players. It would be weird if it's using two metrics for the match making. MMR + recent game win rates. That seems like a more complicated algorithm for no good reason.

            It would defeat the concept of using mmr to match equally skilled players if they are also using forced win rates to prevent skill rankings from changing.


              I think that 50% winrate is fair enough to the players to balance the matchmaking system. Others say hidden pool lul but I wonder if these pools exist as if for real, how many players fall unto the trap of trickery?

              Swap Commends

                It's not real
                The MM garbage only & only takes MMR.


                  normal mm and ranked both have a different points so his statement is invalid. And calling its a forced winrate is too rude, its obviously what we calls a "Matchmaking"


                    In real sports when a player is good they sign him to A GOOD team and he go against good other teams but in dota if someone is good valve put him in a garbage team against a even better enemy kappa

                    silverback action

                      your not even 3.7 your still in normal skill games every time

                      silverback action

                        but i agree with what you said about the forced winrate i literally see the same shit every game.


                          But it does honestly feel that when my last game are losses the next game is easier to win. Each time I win more people with loss streaks or get paired with me. I mean look at my last game, before it I had a streak and at this drow game I had a first pick random troll warlord, an offlane dusa and wr support. Like lol?!

                          Johnny Rico

                            but wont you win? since the 40% guys chance to win is biggeris than the 60% guy?


                              The forced win rate is 100% true, watching the statistics of the players that won or lost a match proves beyond any doubt, but personally I doubt that non-ranked win rate can stack win ranked win rate. Imo, the hidden count is separate for ranked and non-ranked.

                              @mutambo, I can totally understand that experiment, the guys was 6k on his main and boosted on a 3k account, a total difference of freaking 3k MMR is huge ofc, forced winrate cant bound a player that is 3kmmr higher, bur forced winrate works wonders against guys that maybe deserve to go up 1 MMR - 1k MMR, that's the whole point!

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                I call BS. 75% wr this month in ranked. Where is the 50% forced wr you're talking about. Git gud and you'll win


                                  LOL, u are 3100 solo mmr, just cose u got carried by your party doesn't make my statement false.


                                    u get 50% winrate cz u do not improve or improve slowly, and as a result win roughly 50% of ur games. there is no need in hidden mechanisms of MM here.
                                    also stop spreading ignorance plz.


                                      Forced 50% winrate is not true, that's excuse for subhumans.


                                        I have never hit 50% winrate. If you get below 50% just uninstall because you're clearly shit. Think about it. 50% means you win half of your games. If you improve, even just a 0.01% per game, then in 100 games you have 51%. So if you are below 50% you clearly havent improved.

                                        Execute Order 322

                                          If forced 50 is true, how could boosters do their business, winning 30-40 games in a row with ~90% wr? And how there are 6k+ mmr players, if u cannot callibrate higher than 5k? If the forced 50 was true, players roughly would be able to gain mmr at all beyond the point the system put em after calibration.

                                          If u put a 3,5k mmr player into 1k mmr range, he will stomp these games easily and he will climb back to his 3,5k with ~75% wr or even higher. At the same time, if u put a 5k mmr player into 3.5k mmr range, he will climb back to his 5k with ridiculously high wr, too. The purpose of mmr is not to PREVENT your wins yet to set you in the range where you will have ~50% wr in the long run. If u cannot climb it means that you are where you belong to.

                                          Purge explains this stuff quite well in this video:


                                            5k trapped in 3k body

                                            Execute Order 322

                                              ^ what's ur problem


                                                can someone explain me what this forced 50% system means

                                                i mean, when you win and you get tougher opponents, it tries to lead you to bracket where you win and lose 50% of games since that's your skill level
                                                or am i missing something


                                                  ^some ppl believe that if you are on a winstreak, the system intentionally gives you players who are worse than their rating to make you lose.


                                                    Lul. I lose 2 straight games today after 2 game win streak yesterday. After the two loses , we made a 3 v 5 comeback.The system is only challenging you to get better. I don't think there is something like forced winrate.

                                                    muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                      Explain me account, I'm ur true evidence here that forced winrate never exist :D

                                                      Eternal Meow

                                                        People believe in forced 50% win rate because when they lose, they review the losing game and see some bad players were on their team and good players were on enemy team which is obviously why they lost. When someone is on a win streak, they rarely look at their opponent's profiles to notice that a lot of them were bad players and see that they win because of that. But when someone loses their win streak, they look at team mates profiles and pick someone with bad stats to blame. It's also a bit of random chance in that eventually you will get someone either terrible or who throws the game on purpose for lulz. Eventually a win streak ends and people love to place the blame for everything in this game.

                                                        What if you get a bunch of easy games in a row? Do you think the system decided to deliberately give you a win streak to give you an ego boost so you'll play more and buy more cosmetics? Rather than a system designed to force a loss after so many wins, it seems more profitable to throw win streaks at people who have spent money on cosmetics in the past. But I don't think it's doing that either.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          Not sure if its as heavy as that guy stated but they obviously try to set you closer to 50% game by game looking at this:
                                                          Dire 2,076
                                                          Radiant 1,811

                                                          What I think its true is that when you start losing many games in a row they place you in that shadow pool and it becomes super difficult to win a game, but maybe its all phsycological (not sure if thats the word, im not english speaker) and you lose cuz you're already tilted, but sometimes I felt like it was imposible to win games even if I played really good.