General Discussion

General Discussionhow to increase ur winrate when teammate is braindead?

how to increase ur winrate when teammate is braindead? in General Discussion

    as topic .... so many thrower nowadays ,
    new meta:
    rhasta solo mid - (4th pick rhasta said : im mid , i play push ... ask him pick others , he say c who use the hero only , '' im pro , i use what hero also win' )
    tiny solo mid- ( i mid : 1st picked)
    pa solo mid - (i mid : pa 1st picked )
    *3 games in a row man!!! wtf... pinoy on holidays?
    no matter how skilled u are , carry wannabe take the core.. play new meta , farm shit get idiot build, feed .. bye mmr

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      you are one of those awful teammates you complain about


        Your scores are all bad in each game.


          what u expect my hero can do ??? i own my lane early game ... then stick team for war... every war lose


            u find excuses for urself but dont look for excuses for other ppl. objectively, u r equally bad.


              so , u take tiny , rhasta and pa solo mid too ? seem legit , lv too far abroad...


                you suck just as much as they do

                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                  all of these 3 are decent mids kys OP

                  Fee Too Pee

                    and u think QOP is a good mid this patch? QOP sitting at very low winrate is there for a reason , cannot do late game at all

                    why so serious?

                      rhasta can do shit at mid. At least you should be able to lock your enemy in wards.
                      About your first rhasta, he definitely needs to be reported. max deaths, no herodamage, lowerest lvl...
                      I feel your pain bro. The only thing you can do to play for mmr with pleasure is to find 4 ppl to play together in team. Otherwise you will get asspain every game with asshole(s).
                      Solo rating is for boosters :D


                        43% winrate on qop and u complain about your teammates

                        Eternal Meow

                          To improve your win rate, pick heroes you have better win rates with.


                            Pick am or slark and go 1vs9. works for me so far.


                              hey bro sorry to say you really suck

                              Swap Commends

                                U spam your lowest wr hero with highest feed.
                                U are holding your teammates back.
                                U are actually the reason your team loses.
                                Get gud scrub


                                  So... you don't think the enemy team ever has any idiots? By that logic if you don't deserve to lose due to bad teammates, then you don't deserve your wins either. It means THEY just had bad teammates and threw the game and you'd have won no matter what you did.

                                  There's a mind trick a lot of players fool themselves with. When you have bad teammates you blame them for poor results. The next game, maybe the enemy team has bad players, maybe worse than what you dealt with, and you crush them with a huge score, but all the sudden the fact that there were bad teammates on the other side doesn't disqualify your monster win in your own mind the way it did your horrible defeat and you accept that as the norm. This mindset leads to endless frustration if you keep following it. Every loss become someone else's fault, but every win, no matter what kind of stupid shit you're playing against, comes solely from the result of your own awesomeness. Stop and think... some of the recent games you crushed the hardest- do you even remember if the other team had someone doing some terrible build or lane, or afking, or who knows what else? You think that stuff never happens to your opponents? It only happens to you?

                                  I assure you it does not. Let's look at this game as an example: I didn't watch it, but I'm sure more specific criticism could be obtained by doing so . Either way it's a fair bet that if you had been on the team with that Kunkka and LD you wouldn't have been too happy about it. Luckily you weren't and you absolutely wrecked them going 18-4-8 on your Lina. After it was over, did you think to yourself, "Well, I didn't even do that good, they were just poor players with a bad lineup and stupid lanes." Or did you never realize the very thing you're complaining about works in your favor more often than your detriment?

                                  As long as you're not a moron, then it's an advantage to play with bad players. Why? Your team has 4 other random people and the enemy team has 5. Statistically they'll get more bad players than you as long as you don't participate in the horse-cockery yourself. You'll have 25% more negative impactory on the opposing team than you will yours over the long haul. That is, as long as you don't give your team that ugly 100% bonus chance.

                                  Just keep playing and finding ways to improve. The moment it's "not your fault" (even if it's kinda true in a specific game) you stop getting better.


                                    MMR is just a number.


                                      @RED W


                                        It's not how bad your team is , it's what you can do for your team.


                                          MMR is just a number

                                          this +

                                          Cumi Basah Gaming

                                            Bear in mind, it's not about the hero or the picks in solo rank
                                            It's all about the person sitting behind that monitor
                                            Once you make them offended with anything such as questions like why did you do that? Why did you pick that shit? How did you fail mid? Why you slow farm?
                                            It wouldn't get you anywhere better, you're only making it worse
                                            Fun fact I won more matches in solo rank when I got banned on chat and chat wheels was the only option to use
                                            From there I learned that the more you talk the bigger your chance of losing the match

                                            Normally every people would want to win the match
                                            But once you irritated them they don't give a shit anymore about winning and that's where throwers are born

                                            So I suggest you to mute everyone
                                            Play some relaxing music
                                            And use chat wheels
                                            That way you wouldn't get offended if they flamed you cus you're not replying
                                            There are times when the game is looking good and you're about to win but your teammate Tidehunter ravaged air but you still win the clash but yeah you just had to point that ravage out like saying NICE RAVAGE TIDE in all chat and suddenly Tide gets upset, he sells every items he had, buy 1 or 2 rapiers and give them to your enemy team
                                            And BOOM
                                            You lost just because of 1 sentence


                                              Some idiots around here expect you to play in the same team with feeders and throwers and still be able to get like 7 KDA and just 2 deaths per match :))) As if...
                                              If more people had in mind "what can I do to win this game?" the community would be much better, but since too many trash cans think "what can I do to have more fun myself, and screw the others over...?", life is hard in doto.


                                                @going down for real bruh just found u the most healthy comment , since i find out muted option last 2 months ago i always mute my teammate ( don ask me y i just find out when i play 1k+ game ... kappa ) becoz sometimes i cant sustain those thrower n i flame , i know thg get worst n nobody think they should listen to u coz every1 is pro themselves... muted is the best option , but hero pick does matter in solo rank , 5 carries can win the game sometimes but what is the percentage , beside, would u solo mid with techies?

                                                @kobby yea bro , u got me. too many thrower nowadays . f.m.luck ... pray hard


                                                  @snerdly yea ,sometimes i do bad i win the game but vise versa .

                                                  As long as you're not a moron, then it's an advantage to play with bad players. Why? Your team has 4 other random people and the enemy team has 5.

                                                  I don't agree with that , its depend on role u play , how abt ur team morron playing cores/carry ? are u comparing the impact of carry n support? you statement seem logic but not realistic , this is not math 1+1=2


                                                    @ fee to pee hi genius , who tell u i solo mid ??? d2 just many thinker like u omg ...


                                                      theres no point on blaming others. As u see im just a normal avg player from dota 1, start from low high skill and now im on vhs in 2 months while playing with ur so called thrower, wannabe, or penoy. with that 50% winrate, the problem must be yourself


                                                        HOW TO INCREASE UR WINRATE WHEN TEAMMATE IS BRAINDEAD?

                                                        It's simple. By not being braindead.


                                                          3 braindead + 2 non braindead = eavens out as being a braindead team, u cant balance it in your favor unless you are way way above that skill bracket


                                                            Its normal on your high skill bracket


                                                              suck dicks less play better