General Discussion

General DiscussionKunkka boat tips

Kunkka boat tips in General Discussion
Hatsune Miku

    any tips for using kunkka ult? does boat have like max/min dmg? max in middle and min on the edges??


      The boat does the same amount of damage no matter where the enemy is standing, that said it takes a bit of practice to pull off a Kunkka combo, its most likely something that should be practiced in lobbies and perfected in pubs. A quick tip for me when it comes to the combo is to practice the X into torrent combo and then just add a boat in the end.


        Also maxing tidebringer, although very effective at zoning out your lane opponent, is in my opinion an outdated build, maxing torrent and getting at least 3 levels of x with 1 point in tidebringer is how i chose to play my Kunkka.


          can't land boat properly? get max lvl of x mark and just boat in the max range of x mark. it's the same 1000 distance.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            Same damage everywhere. Cast right in front of yourself not on the landing spot because if you click too far he will walk to the cast range and your combo will be fucked up.

            mom said it's my turn to ...

              I don't see too many kunkkas pick up scepter on him, let alone seeing kunkka getting picked at all


                Just don't get wild with those snakes like that bald bitch did in that movie


                Player 215168758

                  Download attacker's video or my kunkka video, once you saw how they play kunkka in specific perspective, you will understand more than reading text on forum. Get higher lvl torrent if you fight squishy hero like invoker, max tidebringer vs str heroes

                  D the Superior
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