General Discussion

General DiscussionSpamming heroes for calibration mmr

Spamming heroes for calibration mmr in General Discussion

    Do i need to spam hero like sven or invoker or someone who has good damage to gain 4k mmr in calibration? Does spamming heroes affects brackets?

      Tento komentář byl smazán



          Can u please answer my question mate?


            And you want to spam like 6 heroes..or only one?


              If you want to be ACTUALLY good, learn multiple heroes and multiple roles. If you want some shiny numbers to brag about just spam one meta hero and get really good with that one hero. Then, when you get calibrated above your standard, you'll lose those shiny numbers.

              TL DR: Don't spam heroes, learn the game.


                only one. if I spam one hero only to get vhs. Will it affect my hidden mmr or it will make me stay on high skill?


                  your versatility doesnt affect ur calibration result, you can play whatever u want


                    @bogey654 thanks mate


                      So probably you are saying that i can spam heroes to have hs to vhs before i get into tbd stage?


                        ur doing fine.. normal matches before calibration winrate doesnt really matter.. u can have a 45% winrate vhs with carry spam or a 70% winrate normal skil with versatile and fun games.. just play carries with high impact and ull be in vhs until ranked.. the cancer starts on ranked matches though and picking support should be part of ur option every game


                          Ok thanks mate. spam spec is comming lmao hahaha


                            But spamming one hero doesn´t work..since you won´t play the same role(like billions of people are doing it the same way like you and will spam another hero or your hero) basically your hero can picked by someone else, your hero can be counterpicked, you won´t get your lane/role, spamming one hero doesn´t work....then comes ranked and boom...


                              Spec spamming or any spamming works just with some friend who will pick support or some wombo combo for zeus random match you will be flamed hard when you pick brainless.....spectre has counters, another carry takes your farm/lane etc.




                                  ur missing the point miduan.. losing games with higher impact hero is better in calibration rather than picking appropriate hero with less impact (like supp) to try to win.. Its a messed up mechanic but thats how it works.. if ur last pick and all ur team carry what do u do? well ans is simple, pick spec and kappa


                                    You can spam Lion or Omni to increase mmr form 1k to 6k not lyign


                                      lol how is that you are in normal skill Cal? :D Good stats..everything..I dont get it.

                                      Best Treant EU

                                        so why are u in normal bracket than cal with ur high impact carry games and 90% win rate? and my smurfs are in vhs bracket from the first game?


                                          I know a secret that allows one to calibrate easily near the calibration cap.

                                          Best Treant EU

                                            yeah the secret is ur main account. when ur main account is around 5k all ur smurfs - no matter if u have like 40% win rate get calibrated around 4,2 - 4,8k mmr.


                                              Share the secret mate


                                                ^^ exactly.
                                                AKA GIT GUD
                                                just quit trying to abuse something in the system, u just need to be good enough calibrate higher. just play good.
                                                And also only during calibration matches ur mmr can go up even if u lose. YOU JUST NEED TO PLAY WELL.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                         according to yasp u are playing with players with avg 4.1k mmr


                                                    Hey i n x 4 c . How to see in yasp if im playing with avg 4.1k mmr? Can u teach me? Im a newbie mate


                                                      im boosting a 1k mmr account towards infinity.. not really a smurf account (new).. im just telling u what to do and I would rather xomment with a 90% winrate account xD


                                                        and u can even see the difference in skills in between brackets by borrowing a 1k account as u increase its mmr.. I breezed through 1k to 3.5k in 3 weeks and this account is curently 2.2k from 1.25k since I started.. got bored though and made a vhs account now


                                                          and yeah I forgot this is calibrated already in 1k before so im just stomping pubs rather than playing ranked